- Arthur's Friends Quotes [IA][Direct] -
Favorite quotes and TV clips from each episode, updated weekly.
- Harmony Central [IA][Direct] -
Fantastic resource for musicians. totally comprehensive resources for guitar, bass, synths, midi, software, effects, classifieds, promotion information and guidance and most of everything else, except the hype.
- Internet Movie Database [IA][Direct] -
Everything you ever wanted to know about every movie ever made. Really.
- MovieLink (777-Film) [IA][Direct] -
Showtimes, previews, and tickets for theaters across the US.
- Mr. Showbiz [IA][Direct] -
For connoisseurs of pop culture.
- People Magazine [IA][Direct]
- Spinal Tap [IA][Direct] -
This page goes to 11!
- Ultimate Band List, The [IA][Direct] -
Huge list of music links.
- UTV: The Ultimate Television Network [IA][Direct] -
For the couch potato in you; access broadcast and cable television listings worldwide.
- Driveways of the Rich & Famous [IA][Direct] -
See the grease spots of your favorite stars. Hear from gardeners, mailmen, and next-door neighbors of celebrities.
- Fabulous Bud E. Luv [IA][Direct] -
Step into the Luv Lounge.
- Immortal Frankenstein [IA][Direct] -
Dedicated to the enduring popularity of Frankenstein in literature, popular culture, theatre, film, and the new media.
- Melrose Place [IA][Direct] -
The meanest. The baddest. The best?
- PythOnline [IA][Direct] -
Includes spam, of course.
- Weekly Freebie Compilation [IA][Direct] -
Listing hundreds of freebies available on the Internet.