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Old'aVista is a one man operation and as much fun as it is working on it, it does consume time and money.

There are also expenses such as hosting, domains, as well as electricity and internet bandwidth as I scrape the websites for the index on my personal desktop computer at home. All of those expenses are paid by myself and I'm happy to pay for them as this website is a passion project.

But any help is welcome, and there are two ways you can do that!

Get some really cool merch:


If you love Old'aVista, one cool way to support the website is to get a really cool t-shirt, hoodie or mug!

We have a Spreadshop store where you can get items just like the ones above!

Become a patron:


Here's another cool way you can support Old'aVista, you can become a Patron and contribute a couple dollars a month. You'll get some cool perks:

8-bit Tier
  • Access to supporters Discord Channel
    Access to exclusive #supporters channel on Discord.
  • "8-bit member" role on Discord
    You get the "8-bit member" role on Discord to show your support.
  • Your name is shown on Old'aVista
    Your name will be presented on the "Supporters" page in Old'aVista with a good chance of appearing in the front page sporadically for a period of 24h. (Your support can take up to 24h to appear on Old'aVista for the first time).
16-bit Tier
  • Access to supporters Discord Channel
    Access to exclusive #supporters channel on Discord.
  • "16-bit member" role on Discord
    You get the "16-bit member" role on Discord to show your support.
  • Your name is shown on Old'aVista
    Your name will be presented on the "Supporters" page in Old'aVista with a good chance of appearing in the front page sporadically for a period of 24h. (Your support can take up to 24h to appear on Old'aVista for the first time).
32-bit Tier
  • Access to supporters Discord Channel
    Access to exclusive #supporters channel on Discord.
  • "32-bit member" role on Discord
    You get the "32-bit member" role on Discord to show your support.
  • Your name is shown on Old'aVista
    Your name will be presented on the "Supporters" page in Old'aVista with a good chance of appearing in the front page sporadically for a period of 24h. (Your support can take up to 24h to appear on Old'aVista for the first time).
128-bit Tier
  • Access to exclusive "128-bit-members" Channel.
    You get access to an exclusive Discord channel accessible only to this tier.
  • Access to supporters Discord Channel
    Access to exclusive #supporters channel on Discord.
  • "128-bit member" role on Discord
    You get the "128-bit member" role on Discord to show your support.
  • Your name is shown on Old'aVista
    Your name will be presented on the "Supporters" page in Old'aVista with a good chance of appearing in the front page sporadically for a period of 24h. (Your support can take up to 24h to appear on Old'aVista for the first time).

Donations contribute to expenses including, but not limited to:

  • Hosting for the Websites
  • Domain registration fees
  • Software licenses
  • Parts and tools for The Eric Experiment projects
  • Coffee so I can stay awake working on stuff. =D

Click here to see who's currently supporting Old'aVista.

You can be sure that

Old'aVista is, and will always be, free of charge as well as completely ad-free. So any help, no matter how small, is very welcome.

** The links above do not work on old Browsers, please use a modern browser to access them.

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