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Home > Arts > Drama > Plays > Web Published >
  • Animal Farm Center [IA][Direct] - Humorous play about bureaucracy and metrics.
  • Christmas Scripts [IA][Direct] - Five Christian plays by Eric Haynes.
  • Con-Artist [IA][Direct] - A one-act comedy about life, art and theatre.
  • Grippy's Idea Plays  [IA][Direct] - Grippy and Cormo and the Bathtub - audience participation science theater. Order of the Virgin Mothers - a dark comedy about abortion. Medea in Athens -- Medea did not kill her children.
  • Haven [IA][Direct] - A (gasp!) unapologetic queer love story. I know, I know: only tragedies and threesomes. Well, to that I say: feh! Read on...
  • Rosencrantz & Guildenstern: Better Next Time [IA][Direct] - A sequel to stoppards masterpiece. What if R & G got another chance? What if they knew what was going to happen? What if they tried to change things? Here's one answer.
  • Show The Rifle [IA][Direct] - Spencer Page portrays eight characters, military, civilian, and Nez Perce, caught up in the Nez Perce War of 1877
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