- Allegheny Review [IA][Direct] -
Devoted to publishing undergraduate poetry and fiction on a national basis.
- alt.journal - Emory University [IA][Direct] -
Experimental graduate journal of the Program in Comparative Literature.
- Anagram Literary Journal [IA][Direct] -
By and about Asian Americans; showcases art, photography, fiction, and non-fiction.
- Australian Literary Studies (ALS) [IA][Direct] -
Refereed journal which publishes critical articles on Australian literature of value to scholars in the field.
- Brilliant Corners [IA][Direct] -
A journal of jazz-related literature.
- Canboulay: The Caribbean Literature Quarterly [IA][Direct] -
Essays, fiction, and book reviews.
- Chaucer Review: An Annotated Bibliography [IA][Direct] -
Covers the first thirty years of the journal.
- Church-Wellesley Review [IA][Direct] -
Quarterly review of lesbian and gay writing.
- Cream City Review, The [IA][Direct] -
A bi-yearly journal of art, poetry, fiction and essays.
- CrossConnect [IA][Direct] -
The premier on-line literary magazine based in Philadelphia.
- Cultural Logic: A Journal of Marxist Theory & Practice [IA][Direct] -
Interdisciplinary journal devoted to Marxist theory and practice.
- Dead Mule, The [IA][Direct] -
An Eastern North Carolina literary journal.
- De Proverbio@ (1996)
- Dimension2
[IA][Direct] -
A bilingual literary magazine devoted to modern German-language literature. - Early Modern Literary Studies [IA][Direct]
- Exemplaria: A Journal of Theory in Medieval and Renaissance Studies [IA][Direct]
- Exemplaria: A Journal of Theory in Medieval and Renaissance Studies [IA][Direct]
- flatearthsocietypress (fesp)
[IA][Direct] -
Small, independent publishing press, featuring the works of innovative creative writers, with interest in publishing new authors. - Focus on Robert Graves and His Contemporaries© [IA][Direct] -
Journal devoted to the study of the poet and author, and the impact of the Great War on modern consciousness. Includes articles and a biography.
- George Eliot-George Henry Lewes Studies [IA][Direct] -
A journal of literary criticism, theory, and book reviews devoted to the study of George Eliot, George Henry Lewes, and their circle.
- Harvard Gay & Lesbian Review [IA][Direct]
- Hypermedia Joyce Studies [IA][Direct] -
Scholarly critique of the works of James Joyce.
- Idiom [IA][Direct]
- In the Wake of Captains Cook & Vancouver [IA][Direct] -
Journal and photographs of a 2500 mile expedition by open rigid inflatable boat in the tracks of Cook & Vancouver. From Vancouver BC to Glacier Bay, Alaska.
- Jerusalem Review [IA][Direct] -
Biannual literature and arts journal in English published in Israel by Ah'shav Association in collaboration with the Jerusalem International Book Fair.
- Journal of African Travel-Writing [IA][Direct] -
Features essays, fiction, and art works centering around the theme of travel in Africa. Subscription information and sample articles.
- Journal of Modern Literature [IA][Direct]
- Journal of Modern Literature [IA][Direct]
- Letras Femeninas - Asociación de Literatura Femenina Hispánica [IA][Direct] -
Publishes critical and creative works providing extensive coverage of the scholarship in the literature of Hispanic women writers.
- Literature and Medicine [IA][Direct] -
Journal showcasing the works of renowned physician-writers, leading literary scholars, and medical humanists.
- Literature and Medicine [IA][Direct] -
Journal showcasing the works of renowned physician-writers, leading literary scholars, and medical humanists.
- Literature, Arts, and Medicine Database [IA][Direct] -
Annotated bibliography of prose, poetry, film, video, and art developed as resource in medical humanities, for use in health/pre-health and liberal arts settings.
- Lucero: a journal of Iberian and Latin American Studies [IA][Direct] -
The literary journal of the Spanish and Portuguese Department at UC Berkeley. We publish scholarly articles as well as creative writing in Spanish, English, Portuguese and Catalan.
- ManuScript: Graduate Journal in English [IA][Direct] -
A forthcoming journal from the University of Manchester, UK
- Marvels & Tales: Journal of Fairy-Tale Studies [IA][Direct] -
A scholarly journal devoted to critical studies of folktales and fairy tales, translations, and reviews of books and other media.
- MFS: Modern Fiction Studies [IA][Direct]
- Michigan Quarterly Review [IA][Direct] -
Literary journal which publishes fiction, essays, poetry, book reviews, and interviews of distinguished people.
- Mid-American Review (MAR) [IA][Direct] -
Literary journal dedicated to contemporary fiction, poetry, non-fiction, and translation.
- Milton Quarterly [IA][Direct] -
Scholarly journal devoted to the life, writings, and times of John Milton. Subscription info, related links, abstracts, etc...
- MoonRabbit Review [IA][Direct] -
A literary journal of Asian Pacific American voices.
- New Criterion, The [IA][Direct] -
Monthly review of the arts and intellectual life edited by Hilton Kramer and Roger Kimball. A voice of critical dissent in the culture wars.
- New South Wails
[IA][Direct] -
Intends to give a voice to a new generation of Southern writers and artists with distinctly new outlooks. - Nineteenth-Century Literature [IA][Direct] -
For scholars of 19th century English-language literary history and theory.
- North Words Magazine [IA][Direct] -
Poetry, short stories, guest writers and more from the Highlands of Scotland.
- Paideuma [IA][Direct] -
Journal devoted to Ezra Pound Scholarship
- Papers on Language & Literature [IA][Direct] -
A quarterly journal of literary criticism and scholarship.
- Pen & Ink [IA][Direct] -
Includes interviews, black-and-white photography, essays, poetry, and political commentary from the Philippines.
- Ploughshares [IA][Direct] -
The journal from Emerson College. Includes online samples.
- Post Identity [IA][Direct] -
International, peer-reviewed journal from the Liberal Arts Department at University of Detroit Mercy.
- Postmodern Culture [IA][Direct] -
Cultural studies with emphasis on literature and texts.
- Pynchon Notes [IA][Direct] -
Contains table of contents from latest issue.
- Qui Parle: An Interdisciplinary Journal [IA][Direct] -
Literature, Philosophy, Visual Arts, History
- Rafters Literary Journal
[IA][Direct] - Rainy Day Fiction [IA][Direct] -
Bi-monthly journal of short stories from Pacific Northwest fiction writers.
- Religion and Literature [IA][Direct] -
Scholarly journal of religous literature and religious approaches to literature (all denominations) sponsored by the English Department at Notre Dame.
- Renaissance Forum [IA][Direct] -
Refereed electronic journal of early modern literary and historical studies.
- Renditions, Research Centre for Translation [IA][Direct] -
Our site offers information about our Centre and our publications - English translations of Chinese literature, classical and contemporary, poetry, prose, fiction and drama.
- Road to East Asia [IA][Direct] -
Journal on contemporary East Asian literature in English, written by students at Founders College, York University.
- Romanticism On the Net [IA][Direct] -
Electronic journal dedicated to Romantic Studies containing articles, reviews, announcements and links to other sites.
- Room of One's Own, A [IA][Direct] -
Collection of short stories, poems, reviews, and commentary by, for, and about women.
- Sapphic Ink [IA][Direct] -
A lesbian literary journal of fiction, poetry and book reviews. See who the contributors are, learn about submissions and more.
- Third Coast [IA][Direct] -
A literary journal published by the Department of English at WMU. All forms of literature, especially poetry, fiction, and creative non-fiction are included.
- Turjuman Journal of Translation Studies [IA][Direct] -
In Arabic, English, French and Spanish.
- Two Lines: a journal of translation [IA][Direct] -
An annual journal which publishes translations of literature from any language into English with emphasis on the translation process.
- wespennest contemporary literature [IA][Direct] -
Austrian literary-essayistic magazine containing contemporary literature, regular photographic essays, critics and book-reviews.
- Zuzu's Petals Literary Resource [IA][Direct] -
1500+ links for writers, artists, performers, researchers, and other creative people, international literary news, online literary magazine, contest, art video guide, and more.