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Performance Art
  • Dangerous Border Game, The [IA][Direct] - By Guillermo Gomez-Pena and Roberto Sifuentes.
  • De La Guarda [IA][Direct]
  • Gummy Glo Mermaids [IA][Direct] - Day glo performance art duo with a bright, heavily glittered, and psychadelic approach.
  • Livingroom.org, The [IA][Direct] - A collaborative space for artists interested in experimental music, new artistic ideas and multimedia performance art. Sponsored by Randy Hostetler Living Room Fund.
  • men who knew too much, the [IA][Direct] - Performance-comedy group from Australia.
  • No Time [IA][Direct] - Performance comedy group currently touring colleges and clubs around the country. Check out the bizzare content on the site, and be part of the "virtual tour", and interactive live comedy tour.
  • Pedestrian Project, The [IA][Direct] - Performers dressed in costumes inspired by pedestrian crossing signs appear in public locations for impromptu performances as well as completely choreographed works for specific locations.
  • Question Authority, The [IA][Direct] - Sound poetry ensemble.
  • Ridge Theater [IA][Direct] - Productions have been praised for their intricate synthesized scores, innovative set designs, and precise interaction of music, gesture, speech, film, and video.
  • Seemen [IA][Direct] - A collaborative of art drop outs and machinists. No two performances are alike. Seemen enjoys exploring their audiences' taste for violence and danger.
  • STOMP@  (1997)
  • Survival Research Laboratories@  (1997)
  • Theatre of Hell [IA][Direct] - Horror comedy performance and pantomime noir.
  • zusammenstoss [IA][Direct] - Clash of different opinions, styles, artists, artistic means, emerging from different locations, taking place in one spot.
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