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Home > Arts > Performing Arts > Theater >
  • American Drama [IA][Direct] - Published twice yearly by the American Drama Institute.
  • Didaskalia [IA][Direct] - English-language publication about Greek and Roman drama, dance, and music as they are performed today.
  • Didaskalia [IA][Direct] - English-language publication about Greek and Roman drama, dance, and music as they are performed today.
  • Drama Review, The [IA][Direct] - A forum for writing about the social, economic, and political contexts of performance.
  • Elizabethan Review, The [IA][Direct] - A scholarly journal publishing research on the history, theater and literature of Shakespeare, Shakespeare authorship issue, and the English Renaissance.
  • Helsinki ACT [IA][Direct] - Magazine of the Theatre Academy of Finland.
  • Theatre InSight [IA][Direct] - Journal of performance and theatre studies designed as a publishing outlet for emerging scholars.
  • Theatre Topics [IA][Direct] - Focusing on performance studies, dramaturgy, and theatre pedagogy. Published by the Johns Hopkins University Press.
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