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Home > Business and Economy > Marketing and Advertising >
  • Commercial Media Sales [IA][Direct] - Radio rep firm specializing in representing radio stations in small and medium sized markets across America.
  • Eye Cue Productions Radio [IA][Direct] - Radio scripting and production.
  • Mobiltrak [IA][Direct] - Developers of a system that helps destination retailers learn more about potential customers' radio listening habits. The system uses patented technology that measures actual customer radio listening as they drive into a monitored area.
  • Nova Marketing Group [IA][Direct] - Strategic research and marketing consultation firm working with radio stations and broadcast groups in the industry.
  • Outer Planet [IA][Direct] - Writes, casts, and produces humorous (and award-winning) radio commercials.
  • RAB Online [IA][Direct] - Information resource of the Radio Advertising Bureau, containing research, report listings, and facts & figures about the UK commercial radio industry.
  • RadioLink [IA][Direct] - Radio Advertising Bureau's co-op database, instant backgrounds, library of commercial copy, promotion bank, and audio radio commercials.
  • Radio Marketing Bureau (RMB) [IA][Direct] - Canadian center for radio advertising.
  • Radio Works Ltd [IA][Direct] - Provides copywriting, production, campaign planning, and market research services for radio advertising.
  • Silver Microphone Awards [IA][Direct] - Designed to honor the people who write and produce local and regional radio commercials and audio programs.
  • Sixty Second Airborne [IA][Direct] - Full-service radio agency. Creative, casting & production.
  • Soaring Images [IA][Direct] - Specializes in producing radio commercials designed for Christian businesses, churches, and outreach ministries.
  • Urbanwild Productions [IA][Direct] - Produces radio commercials.
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