- Eventide Inc. [IA][Direct] -
Manufacturer of moving map displays, effects processors, audio/video delays, and communications logging recorders.
- FlightBrief [IA][Direct] -
With real-time aviation weather images, flight route planner, and airport information.
- Flight Plan [IA][Direct] -
Assists in mapping out departure and arrival times, windage, flight speed, airport data, and more.
- Flight Weather [IA][Direct] -
Weather alerts and related information for pilots.
- Free Flight [IA][Direct] -
Moving map program with VFR aeronautical charts, 3-D terrain with ground proximity warning.
- Navtech Software [IA][Direct] -
Flight planning software for PSION pocket computers. Connects to GPS to provide moving maps.
- Pibal Reader [IA][Direct] -
Dedicated to competitive Hot Air Ballooning and site of the Pibal Reader software program for performing wind calculations.
- Razor's Edge Software [IA][Direct] -
Offering AirPlan, a point-and-click flight-planning program.
- RMS Technology [IA][Direct]