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Home > Business and Economy > Classifieds >
  • Barter Board Xchange [IA][Direct] - Offers a menu of barter classifieds and trade board auctions for professional and novice traders.
  • Barter Brokers International [IA][Direct] - An international trade organization based in Charleston, SC with offices in Columbia, Greenville/Spartanburg and Jacksonville, FL. Trade your excess inventory for other products, travel, media etc.
  • BarterNet [IA][Direct] - Reach bartering groups around the Globe with bartering ads.
  • Barter Station [IA][Direct] - A place to come and trade, or sell anything that you do not want anymore but is still valuable.
  • Barter Systems, Inc [IA][Direct] - Trade your products or services with member businesses of all kinds.
  • Contranet [IA][Direct] - Specialises in identifying, valuing and marketing its members' surpluses or excess capacity.
  • Emporium [IA][Direct] - Items for barter or sale.
  • Nella Pages [IA][Direct] - Allows you to trade in skills and information using an Internet-only medium of exchange called nella.
  • Trade ya! [IA][Direct] - The place to barter, trade, buy and sell anything and everything; find investment opportunities or find investors for your venture.
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