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Home > Business and Economy > Companies > Agriculture > Livestock > Cattle >
Artificial Insemination
  • AgWorks [IA][Direct] - Sells semen and herd health supplies, and provides a current listing of breeders and cattle for sale.
  • Animal Husbandry Resources [IA][Direct] - List of providers of bull semen for artificial insemination (AI), and embryos for breeders of purebred and fullblood cattle listed by breed.
  • Bovine Elite [IA][Direct] - Artificial insemination equipment sales and consulting; international embryo and semen sales and consulting including A.I. and palpation clinics.
  • Chickadee Creek Cattle Services [IA][Direct] - Offers complete artificial insemination programs for cattle.
  • K.V.S. International B.V [IA][Direct] - For better cow breeding.
  • Pets, Inc [IA][Direct] - Embryo transfer supplier with links to training, products, and embryologists for cattle, horses, and goats. We sell hardware to do fertilization, not embryos.
  • Select Sires, Inc. [IA][Direct] - Source for dairy and beef semen and embryos world-wide.
  • United Breeders Inc. [IA][Direct] - Dedicated to helping members achieve maximum productivity through superior genetics and the latest in AI and embryo transfer technologies.
  • Western Ontario Breeders Inc. [IA][Direct] - Artificial insemination co-operative with room for 300 bulls.
  • World-Wide Sires, Inc. [IA][Direct] - International supplier of dairy and beef cattle genetics through frozen semen and embryos. WWS represents all United States Artificial Insemination Cooperatives.
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