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Home > Business and Economy > Companies > Architecture > Consulting >
Museum Exhibit Services
  • Academy Studios [IA][Direct] - Designs and fabricates museum exhibits.
  • Blue Planet Construction [IA][Direct] - Creators of glass/acrylic work, animal life support, and rock and water landscaping for zoos, aquariums, botanical gardens and other locations.
  • Burdick Group, The [IA][Direct] - Museum planners and exhibit designers. Recent projects include the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame and Museum and The Philips Competence Centre, The Netherlands
  • Edwin Schlossberg Incorporated [IA][Direct] - Design firm specializing in museum exhibits, children's environments, entertainment sites, corporate/retail sites and interactive software.
  • New Curiosity Shop [IA][Direct] - Develops and produces exhibits for science centers, museums, and corporations around the world, ranging from small, portable table-top designs to large, permanent installations.
  • Research Casting International [IA][Direct] - Designs and builds exhibits and displays for museums and institutions.
  • Truneanu, Ileana  [IA][Direct] - Independent graphic, exhibition designer and multimedia producer with extensive experience in developing and implementing media programs and environments for the education and museum fields.
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