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Home > Business and Economy > Companies > Biomedical >
  • Alsobrook Biotech Consulting  [IA][Direct] - Biomedical consulting including molecular genetics, human genetics, and genomics for business, financial, and academic clients.
  • Applied Logic Associates [IA][Direct] - Consultants in all stages of biomedical testing, data management, clinical regulatory, biostatistics, randomization services and local monitoring.
  • Biomedical Systems [IA][Direct] - Independent research institute specializing in the planning, development, implementation and reporting of major clinical research programs in Spain.
  • Biotech Consulting Group, Inc. [IA][Direct] - Consortium of biomedical scientists providing scientific consulting services to a variety of industries. Based in Bethesda, Maryland.
  • Biotechnology Information Institute [IA][Direct] - Information resources and services for biotechnology and pharmaceutical R&D, technology transfer and commercialization.
  • Biotest, Inc. [IA][Direct] - Offers preclinical and clinical laboratory testings to assist in biotechnology and pharmaceutical company product development and trial.
  • Biovest Consulting [IA][Direct] - Biotechnology consulting for investors and biotechnology executives. evaluates the success of new technologies and novel medical therapies currently being developed.
  • Chastain Research Group, Inc. [IA][Direct] - Dedicated to meeting the requirements of biotechnology/pharmaceutical companies and professionals.
  • CIC Agency, Inc [IA][Direct] - Provides outsourced asset management programs to their clients.
  • Comprehensive Reimbursement Consultants, Inc. [IA][Direct] - Reimbursement consulting firm for pharmaceutical, biotechnology, and medical device companies.
  • Cowper Associates [IA][Direct] - Specializes in business development and marketing for medical device companies.
  • CRO Group [IA][Direct] - Specializes in providing regulatory support to the medical device, IVD, and biotechnology industries.
  • Cu-Tech, Inc. - International Technologies & Development [IA][Direct] - A contract research organization uniquely specializing in development of products related to dermatologic disease, skin care and cosmetics.
  • Enzyme Technology Consultancy [IA][Direct] - Specialists in highly sensitive and rapid enzyme-based detection systems for clinical, veterinary and environmental diagnostics industries world wide.
  • Fantasia Consulting Associates [IA][Direct] - Providing regulatory affairs and quality management of medical devices, pharmaceuticals, biologics, and biotechnology.
  • Goldman Associates International, Inc. [IA][Direct] - Provide cost-effective quality assurance services including test placement and management, study audits, pre-inspection reviews, teaching and training.
  • Informatica [IA][Direct] - Consulting on bar code barcode and barcoding for healthcare. Manufacturers, Providers, and Wholesaler-Distributors.
  • John R. Boettiger & Associates [IA][Direct] - A stock analyst, specializing in medical devices, equity research and financial analysis.
  • Kross, Inc [IA][Direct] - Provides regulatory and technical support to the pharmaceutical, medical device, in-vitro diagnostic, and biopharmaceutical industries.
  • Laboratory Management Systems [IA][Direct] - Consulting service for GLP, GMP, ISO laboratories and a provider of software products such as MCS for scheduling and tracking instrument calibration and maintenance.
  • LMA Consulting, Inc. [IA][Direct] - A group of practicing physicians and scientists within the Longwood Medical Area who provide consulting and technology analysis to bioengineering, biotechnology, and pharmaceutical firms.
  • McVay Consulting Associates [IA][Direct] - Specialist in biomedical engineering and medical technology. Performs technology scouting, new product development, design controls management consulting and expert consultig services.
  • Menlo Biomedical [IA][Direct] - Pharmaceutical consulting and research firm emphasizing disease market analysis, pharmacogenetics, and assessing market opportunities and partners.
  • Mission Scientific [IA][Direct] - Scientific/business consulting in areas ranging from microbiology and medical devices to technology transfer.
  • MJW Corporation [IA][Direct] - Provides a variety of radiological consulting services and multimedia software solutions.
  • MRC Collaborative Centre [IA][Direct] - A not-for-profit technology-transfer organisation acts as an interface between the MRC's research base and the pharmaceutical and biotechnology industries.
  • New Medicine, Inc [IA][Direct] - Information services company specializing in consulting and analysis within the biotechnology, healthcare and pharmaceutical industries.
  • Novel Biomedical, Inc [IA][Direct] - Contract product development and OEM supply of custom medical disposable devices.
  • Parexel International Corporation [IA][Direct] - Offering a comprehensive range of clinical research, development, and performance improvement services at any phase of the clinical trial process.
  • Paul D. Lepore GLP Consultant [IA][Direct] - Dedicated to providing information, links, and downloads relating to good laboratory practices and quality assurance.
  • Plexus Ventures, Inc [IA][Direct] - Investment capital and corporate development advice, consulting and services to pharmaceutical, biotechnology and drug delivery companies.
  • PsyBar [IA][Direct] - National professional service company providing psychological and psychiatric experts to law firms, courts, corporations, insurance companies, government agencies.
  • QRS Corporation [IA][Direct] - Biomedical and computer/network service & repair, Techserve training, onsite service and contract consulting.
  • ReCap's Biotech Alliance Database [IA][Direct] - Fully searchable database of more than 3,500 biotech alliances with drug companies, Universities and other biotechs.
  • Validation Group & Quality Systems Associates [IA][Direct] - Provide integrated validation and compliance services to the pharmaceutical, biotech, and medical device industries.
  • Venture Resources [IA][Direct] - A venture development firm focused on healthcare, biomedical, early stage technically based companies and ventures.
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