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Home > Business and Economy > Companies > Biomedical > Directories >
Commercial Website Directories
  • Biochemical Resources [TheOldNet][Direct] - Searchable database of chemicals, biochemicals, and laboratory equipment available from several different companies. Includes antibodies, enzymes, peptides, amino acids, organics and more.
  • GenWeb [TheOldNet][Direct] - A service company dedicated to helping people in biotechnology take advantage of the power of the internet.
  • MedDirect [TheOldNet][Direct] - Internet based medical device product purchasing consortium and internet presence provider, specializing in serving the medical device business community.
  • MedMart Network [TheOldNet][Direct] - We provide an Internet presence for companies that buy, refurbish or resell medical equipment, diagnostic instrumentation and other related medical devices.
  • MedStore [TheOldNet][Direct] - Presence provider for medical equipment dealers, device manufacturers, instrumentation refurbishers, equipment leasing companies and medical service companies.
  • Medsys Design [TheOldNet][Direct] - Specializes in designing and/or hosting web pages for companies that sell medical equipment.
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