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Home > Business and Economy > Companies > Computers > Software > Government >
Campaign Management
  • Aristotle Publishing [IA][Direct] - Helping candidates and political organizers leverage computer power to win elections.
  • GoverNet [IA][Direct] - Campaign management software and a service that e-mails congressional voting records to individuals.
  • Political Mapping [IA][Direct] - Political analysis tool for MS-Windows to help analyze and create effective strategies to promote your point of view.
  • Political Wizard [IA][Direct] - Developed to meet the needs of any candidate, organization or Political Action Committee required to file State Election reports.
  • Trillium Systems Inc. [IA][Direct] - Manage voter information, bar-coded reports, volunteers, lawn-signs and contributors.
  • War Room [IA][Direct] - Provides grassroots Republican and conservative candidates with winning edge technology and campaign management services.
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