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Home > Business and Economy > Companies > Computers > Software > Health > Health Care Management > Practice/Information Management >
Managed Care
  • Blaise Software [IA][Direct] - Analysis software for the health insurance industry. Software and consulting in the healthcare, managed care, and health industry.
  • CareWare Systems, Inc. [IA][Direct] - Case management, managed care software, for Windows. Manages healthcare using nationally recognized medical guidelines to control the selection, delivery, and costs of quality care.
  • Case Trakker [IA][Direct] - Case management software is a windows based application used by medical case managers in any setting. It supports all aspects of case management.
  • CommuniSys, Inc [IA][Direct] - Integrated pc-network based, managed care capitation administration software.
  • Computer Processing Unlimited, Inc. (CPU) [IA][Direct] - Developer and provider of software solutions specific to managed care, medical practice management and RIS.
  • CostFlex [IA][Direct] - Hospital cost accounting and managed care decision support.
  • Erisco Inc. [IA][Direct] - Provider of software for health claims processing and managed care.
  • Fred Rothenberg & Associates [IA][Direct] - Developers of EZ-CAP, the nation's largest selling managed care management information system for medical groups, hospitals, IPAs, MSOs, etc. who are at risk under capitation contracts with HMOs.
  • GeoAccess, Inc [IA][Direct] - Windows-based software solutions for addressing managed healthcare access issues.
  • Healthcare Communications, Inc. [IA][Direct]
  • Health Care Data Systems [IA][Direct] - HCDS develops, sells, and supports software for the medical industry, including enterprise patient systems, practice management and medical records software.
  • Health Systems Integration [IA][Direct] - Managed care administration and practice mangement software, as well as enterprise products for access to critical data from anywhere, anytime.
  • Innovative Managed Care Systems, Inc. [IA][Direct] - Systems and tools to facilitate the analysis/profiling and contract modeling aspects of managed healthcare financing and delivery.
  • KnowMed Systems [IA][Direct] - Physician's workstation product for the managed care market.
  • Mariner Systems, Inc. [IA][Direct] - EMcee is a flexible, fully integrated client/server designed specifically for medical group management in the Managed Care industry.
  • parkHILL Group [IA][Direct] - A software, systems, and services for medical reimbursement analysis and managed care case management systems for client intake/outcome measurement.
  • Persoft Technologies, Inc [IA][Direct] - Graphical analysis for managed care and captiation in addition to daily operations.
  • Provider Solutions [IA][Direct] - Offers the tools you need to survive under managed care. The capitation expert combined with our national utilization database enable you to analyze and maximize the profitability of any managed care contract.
  • Revolution Health Systems [IA][Direct] - Medical management/case management software products targeted to all segments of the managed care industry.
  • TradeTek [IA][Direct] - Community healthcare information network for managed care, risk/case management and employee benefits. Also, worker's compensation, self-insured and third party administration.
  • UNI/CARE Systems, Inc. [IA][Direct] - Creates managed care software for mental health institutes and hospital organizations.
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