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Home > Business and Economy > Companies > Computers > Software > Industry Specific >
  • Access Software Development [IA][Direct] - Specialize in software for the television, cable television, and video industries.
  • Bytel Ltd [IA][Direct] - Provides cable telecom operators with a fully integrated Subscriber Management System (SMS) supporting customer service, billing, operations, despatch, workforce management and marketing.
  • Columbine JDS Systems, Inc. CJDS [IA][Direct] - Technological solutions to buyers and sellers of advertising time within the electronic media marketplace.
  • Focus Sales [IA][Direct] - A manufacturers rep firm for CCTV and Access Control products.
  • Future Reality [IA][Direct] - Supplier of software for the film and television industries.
  • Gruppo TNT [IA][Direct] - Multi-lingual titling software for live and interactive broadcasting and television productions.
  • Josep Closas Informātica [IA][Direct] - Activity is mainly centered in the development of software applications for television game shows.
  • Wiztec Solutions, Ltd. [IA][Direct] - Provides cable and satellite TV operators with an advanced subscriber management system (SMS) supporting customer service, billing, pay per view ordering, work order management, telemarketing and sales functions.
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