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Home > Business and Economy > Companies > Computers > Software >
  • Agama [IA][Direct] - Russian text proofing tools: spell check, thesaurus, hyphenation, grammar, and more. Dictionaries of Russian, including word formation and conjugation.
  • AT&T Business Translations [IA][Direct]
  • Babel Informatica S.L. [IA][Direct] - Multilingual simultaneous translation for Windows.
  • Bicon Engineering u. Datentechnik [IA][Direct] - Software localization services through mother tongue language specialists.
  • Chinese Star [IA][Direct] - Chinese system for Win95/3x in China, demo version for downloading.
  • ClockWorks Multimedia [IA][Direct] - Provides multimedia localisation engineering solutions to software development companies and their distributors world-wide.
  • Contact International [IA][Direct] - The Center for Technical Translation - specializes in technical documentation including computer software, manuals, proposals, videotapes and multimedia.
  • Crystal International [IA][Direct] - Chinese / English / Japanese Computing products, natural language translation product and services and Internet service
  • DreamWare Multimedia Productions [IA][Direct] - The producers of the TUCOWS CD ROM and other high-quality multimedia titles. Localization of CD ROM titles, audio / video multimedia services.
  • Globalink@  (1996)
  • GlobeLink International [IA][Direct] - Japanese/English translation and internationalization.
  • GMS [IA][Direct] - Develops linguistic software applications including the machine translation system METAL which is available as a PC product now with the name "Langenscheidt's T1".
  • Golden Bridge International Corp. [IA][Direct]
  • International Computer Systems Ltd. [IA][Direct] - Computer based solutions for the Arabic speaking market.
  • Kiva Software Corporation [IA][Direct] - Home of Kiva Enterprise Server and Kiva Enterprise Server SDK for building business. Critical Internet and Intranet solutions.
  • KT International, Inc. [IA][Direct] - Offers an automated localization, globalization software product, super linguist; language translation services; a parametric design CAD tool; a screen capture tool; and catalog conversion services.
  • Language for Industry Ltd [IA][Direct] - Specialises in the provision of technical communication in multiple languages.
  • LingScape Sweden [IA][Direct] - Internationalization and localization for the Web and application developers.
  • Lingsoft, Inc. [IA][Direct] - Linguistic tools for text retrieval and information management systems
  • Link & Link - Multilinguale Software [IA][Direct] - Fremdsprachen, Multilinguale Software, Fremdsprachige Textverarbeitung;software-components, which enable the user to work in different operating systems with a large number of languages.
  • Logos Corporation [IA][Direct] - Automated translation tools. Rapidly produce quality draft translations at a reasonable cost.
  • Logos Group [IA][Direct] - Computer assistant translation tool, Déjà Vu, available free! Runs on Windows and can work with all languages.
  • Logos Research Systems, Inc. [IA][Direct] - Developer of Bible software and multilingual electronic publishing solutions.
  • MarketCreators [IA][Direct] - Provide an affordable and reliable alternative for software companies eager to expand into Japan and Asia.
  • MCB Systems [IA][Direct] - North American distributor for TRADOS language translation tools, including MultiTerm, the TRADOS Translator's Workbench, and the TAlign text alignment tool.
  • Micro-Processor Services, Inc. [IA][Direct] - Software translators, converters, and translation services ASM360, ASM370, ASM68000, ASM6800, ASM86, MASM, PLM86-386, PASCAL, PL\1, FORTRAN, COBOL.
  • Murasu [IA][Direct] - Extends Microsoft Windows to support input and output of Tamil characters.
  • Neocor Technologies [IA][Direct] - Translation programs: Tsunami MT 4.0 English to Japanese, and Typhoon 4.0, J to E.
  • Pacific Software Publishing [IA][Direct] - Provide complete turn key solution for your software to be republished in Japan.
  • PASATI bv [IA][Direct] - Quick but rough translations of large text volumes bi-directionally, English-Russian/Ukrainian, in a stand-alone mode and multi-user environments.
  • Reword Corporation [IA][Direct] - Localization of software products and development of localization tools.
  • SciTech Language Partners [IA][Direct] - Foreign language translation software? Dictionaries? Multilingual WP/DTP tools? Start here for the best products & services at the best price.
  • SDL Ltd. [IA][Direct] - Localization/localisation of software, multimedia and web pages into European and Asian languages using the latest translation tools.
  • Sea Change Systems, Inc [IA][Direct] - Consulting and products for enterprise- wide report generation and tools for internationalization of software.
  • Semantix [IA][Direct]
  • SoftLinc, Inc. [IA][Direct] - Producers of Trans-Linc multidirectional translational software. Translates and conjugates 13 languages in any combination. Nordic, Germanic, and Romance languages included.
  • Spanish-English Dictionary for Windows [IA][Direct] - Dictionaries. Spell dictionaries too. Tools to help the translator. Versions for Win-95, Win-NT, Win-3.1.
  • Stone RichSight [IA][Direct] - Chinese software development company specializing in the localization and enhancement of operating system and application software products for the Chinese market.
  • Stylus [IA][Direct] - Full text translation for Russian-English and Russian-German.
  • Translingua [IA][Direct] - Local software for global people. Gesellschaft fuer Dokumentation und Software-Lokalisierung mbH.
  • Twin Dragons Software [IA][Direct] - Provider of global multilingual solutions for localizations, Internet communications, marketing, design and custom programming.
  • Zinc Software Inc. [IA][Direct] - Develops object-oriented, multiplatform, internationalized development tools
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