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Home > Business and Economy > Companies > Computers > Software > Internet > World Wide Web >
  • IMM Studios [IA][Direct] - CGI scripting, HTML, SQL Database Linking to WWW, TCPIP and Networking setup. Customised software design, 2D and 3D graphics and Interactive kiosk design.
  • Iris Development Corporation [IA][Direct] - Software development and consulting firm, which develops products for the Macintosh, Windows, and General Magic platforms.
  • Kobixx Systems [IA][Direct] - Consulting and software engineering services.
  • NetCasters, Inc. [IA][Direct] - Provides a full range of customized services using the latest programming and graphics tools
  • Remote Software [IA][Direct] - CGI, perl, and C services for web pages.
  • scratchPad Media [IA][Direct] - Specializes in software development and consulting for the Web.
  • Silknet Software, Inc. [IA][Direct] - Customer Interaction Software and Service for the World Wide Web. Interactive, dynamic web page development including cgi scripts, database and java.
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