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Home > Business and Economy > Companies > Computers > Software > Internet > World Wide Web >
  • Cyber Presence SSL Internet server [TheOldNet][Direct] - High performance Windows NT / 95 SSL Internet server with integrated full text search, database access, grpahical traffic pattern analyzer and ISAPI support.
  • Cyberspace Portal [TheOldNet][Direct] - Learn to author or create cool & professional Web pages. An interactive HTML guide & tutorial includes templates, clip art and a professional software toolkit.
  • CYM-Direct [TheOldNet][Direct] - Customized personal and corporate calendars available via the web. Available to download and run on your Win95 or WinNT server.
  • Framework Technologies [TheOldNet][Direct] - Aspects is web-enabled collaborative engineering software. PDM, document management, engineering design, meta-design, data warehousing, information systems.
  • imageXchange [TheOldNet][Direct] - Web's image, multimedia and graphics tool.
  • InterBoard, The [TheOldNet][Direct] - Interactive multimedia groupware for intranets and the internet.
  • LiveSite [TheOldNet][Direct] - A software application that extends the capabilities of Windows NT/95 Web servers by allowing the creation of dynamic Web pages and applications with ease - available for beta evaluation.
  • MaxInfo WebC [TheOldNet][Direct] - Blend C/C++ code directly with HTML to create fully interactive applications. Leverage your existing code base because WebC uses your own C/C++ compiler.
  • Net Buddy, the Automatic Web Searcher [TheOldNet][Direct]
  • RealAudio [TheOldNet][Direct] - Software that delivers real time audio over the Internet
  • SQLweb [TheOldNet][Direct] - Creates interactive database websites with two new tags (IF and CURSOR) dynamically intrepreted by a generic CGI program.
  • Surf Touch Software [TheOldNet][Direct] - Produces touch screen web browser, and other touch screen based web applications like Surf Cash.
  • Ventana Data Engine [TheOldNet][Direct] - Works with Director 5.0 to offer solutions for common Internet operations, such as email and ftp. Allows advanced users to create custom Internet solutions.
  • Visual Web [TheOldNet][Direct] - Multi-platform panoramic-overview navigator and offline reader, downloading WWW pages for use with browsers.
  • W3Magic [TheOldNet][Direct] - A tool that adds over 100 new high-level tags to your html documents, making it simple to create and manage information systems on the Web.
  • WebCT [TheOldNet][Direct] - Tool for building on-line courses.
  • Webhitz [TheOldNet][Direct] - Web browser "companion" software for quick access to "key and hidden" web pages.
  • WebImage [TheOldNet][Direct] - Create transparent GIFs, NCSA and CERN Image Maps, Interlaced GIF, PNG. Optimization, enhancement, and special effects.
  • Web Prospector for ACT! [TheOldNet][Direct] - Collects leads off your Internet Web Site, sorts and then automatically distributes and transfers them into your ACT! database.
  • WebTrack [TheOldNet][Direct] - Controlling and Tracking Web Use In the Enterprise
  • World Wide Cards [TheOldNet][Direct] - Offers a customizable postcard engine for your page that lets browsers "spread the word" about your site.
  • www.SitePromoter [TheOldNet][Direct] - Web site promotion software, teaches effective internet marketing techniques & intuitively submits your web site allowing you to submit it right the first time.
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