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Home > Business and Economy > Companies > Computers > Software > Surveys and Polling >
  • AskIt! [IA][Direct] - Assessment tool for tests, surveys and interviews.
  • PinPoint [IA][Direct] - Suite of software automates questionnaire design, data entry and survey analysis. Includes E-Surveys, for surveys via your normal email package.
  • SumQuest Survey Software [IA][Direct] - Software and a guidebook to design, process, and analyze questionnaire surveys.
  • Survey System, The [IA][Direct] - For DOS/Windows for numeric, text or sound responses.
  • TelePrompt for Telephone Surveys or Sales [IA][Direct] - Create and conduct telephone surveys in Windows supports multiple projects and questionnaires. Optimized for NT, 95, 3.11 optional Client/Server.
  • WebSurveyor [IA][Direct] - Windows based software for generating, collecting and analyzing surveys in a web environment.
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