- ABCdEcode [IA][Direct] -
Features the decode method of teaching reading, math and learning skills to children and adolescents with learning, emotional and behavioural difficulties.
- All Kinds of Minds [IA][Direct] -
Nonprofit institute dedicated to the understanding of differences in learning. Offering training courses and other resources to educators.
- Audio-Psycho-Phonology Center [IA][Direct] -
Offering specialized auditory diagnostic and training programs (Tomatis method) for dyslexia, ADD, pathology of voice-speech-verbal expression, emotional and behavioral disturbances.
- Banyan Tree Learning Center [IA][Direct] -
Services for students with learning disabilities.
- Block Educational Consulting [IA][Direct] -
Offering "The PostSecondary Learning Disabilities Report."
- Brainworks [IA][Direct] -
Marketers of the Brainwave program for clearing up dyslexia, A.D.D. and depression without the use of medication.
- Bright Solutions for Dyslexia [IA][Direct] -
Provides research-based information on dyslexia, free quarterly newsletter, lists of upcoming seminars and conferences, and more.
- Child Development Institute [IA][Direct] -
Resource for information, products and services related to attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, dyslexia, learning disabilities, parenting and child development.
- Different Roads to Learning [IA][Direct] -
On-line catalog specializing in playthings for learning challenged children, ages 2 to 9.
- Dyslexia Treatment Center [IA][Direct] -
Focusing on Dyslexia and Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD).
- Dyslexic.Com [IA][Direct] -
Provides information about the range of technology available to dyslexic people.
- Educational Transition Center [IA][Direct] -
Dedicated to solving the problems of reading and comprehension disabilities by using specialized programs to meet students' needs.
- Erickson Learning Center and Foundation [IA][Direct] -
Specializes in individualized tutoring and teacher and parent training in Attention Deficit Disorders, learning disabilities, and dyslexia.
- Essential Learning Institute [IA][Direct] -
Providing solutions for students struggling with learning disabilities. Computer-based program customized for the individual students needs. In-home evaluation packages available.
- Exceptional Innovations [IA][Direct] -
Sells video-based staff development packages, curricula, and software with a range of topics including social skills, positive behavior support, and more.
- Fast ForWord Learning Center [IA][Direct] -
Offers a CD-ROM and Internet-based training program that helps children process spoken language, which forms the foundation for language learning.
- HOTS Program [IA][Direct] -
Sells a 2-year computer-based, education program for Title I and learning disabled students in grades 4-8. Also runs a schoolwide reform program for grades 1-7.
- Internet Special Education Resources [IA][Direct] -
Listing professionals who serve the special needs and learning disabilities community.
- John A. Hosterman, Ph.D. - Learning Disabilities Specialist [IA][Direct] -
Learning disabilities specialist.
- Learning Center, The [IA][Direct] -
Clinic for children, adolescents and adults with learning disabilities and/or emotional problems.
- Learning Center, The [IA][Direct] -
Clinic for children, adolescents and adults with learning disabilities and/or emotional problems.
- Learning Disabilities Association of Virginia [IA][Direct] -
Describes the goals, objectives and services provided by LDAV, an affiliate of the national Learning Disabilities Association.
- Learning Disabilities Clinic [IA][Direct] -
A private educational treatment facility for children, adolescents, and adults, dedicated to helping individuals achieve their full learning potential.
- Medical Dyslexia and ADD Treatment Center [IA][Direct]
- Mozart Center [IA][Direct] -
Using the discoveries of Dr. Tomatis, treats ADD, dyslexia, autism, motor and speech problems. Helps to improve creativity, focus, communication and musical skills.
- Pathways to Success [IA][Direct] -
Helping dyslexics of all ages.
- Ray Institute [IA][Direct] -
Material, training and information for parents of children with learning problems and teachers working in a literacy program.
- Reading Group, The [IA][Direct] -
Offers programs for learning-disabled students.
- Scientific Learning Corporation [IA][Direct] -
Develops programs to improve learning and performance with a focus on language skills including reading.
- Special Kids [IA][Direct] -
Learning videotapes and educational materials for children and teens with learning disabilities, focusing on speech, reading, writing, and self-help skills.
- Spectrum Center [IA][Direct] -
Tomatis auditory training as a sensory stimulation therapy service for children, adolescents, and adults.
- Star Ranch Childrens Home [IA][Direct] -
A private residential treatment center for children with ADD, ADHD, and learning disabilities.
- Tomatis Centers [IA][Direct] -
Help people with learning disabilities, dyslexia, ADD, autism, speech and behavior problems; develop language and musical skills; stimulate creativity, personal growth. Over 200 centers worldwide.