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Home > Business and Economy > Companies > Electronics > Circuit Boards >
Repair and Rework
  • Advanced Routing Technology [IA][Direct] - Specializes in printed circuit board tooling and depanelization.
  • B&D Electric, Inc. [IA][Direct] - Depot level industrial electronic repair facility engaged in the repair and rebuild of a wide variety of industrial controls and circuit boards.
  • Circuit Depot [IA][Direct] - Electronic circuit boards repair for business and industrial electronics equipments.
  • Circuitnet [IA][Direct] - Rework, modification, and repair of damaged printed circuit/wiring boards.
  • Excel Electronics, Inc. [IA][Direct] - Providing OEM printed circuit card engineering modifications. We specialize in high volume, quick turn around, low cost, and zero defect delivery on SMT and throughhole boards.
  • Module Exchange [IA][Direct] - Remanufacturers of Zenith, RCA and NAP television circuit boards, modules and tuners for TV parts distributors, dealers and repair centers.
  • Protonique S.A [IA][Direct] - Environmentally-responsible cleaning of electronics assemblies. Contamination/SIR testing. International consultants and cleaning equipment for economy and reliability.
  • Quality Industrial Electronics [IA][Direct] - Repair facility for all AC/DC drives, PLC, timers, counters and temperature controls.
  • Scope Systems [IA][Direct] - Service facility for repair, service and, re-engineering of industrial and commercial electronic equipment.
  • SMT PLUS [IA][Direct] - Information and book listings pertaining to the surface mount industry; classes on repair and rework and listings of upcoming events.
  • TDL Electronics [IA][Direct] - Repair of industrial electronics equipment and controls. Controls design for new machines and upgrades for old are specialties.
  • ZTEK Testing, L.L.C. [IA][Direct] - Provides thru-hole loaded circuit board testing and repair services including SMT, thru-hole and mixed technologies.
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