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Home > Business and Economy > Companies > Electronics > Electric Motors >
  • Alsay-Texas Corp. [IA][Direct] - Repairs, service, sales & parts for electric motors and switchgear.
  • ARM-S Electric, Inc. [IA][Direct] - Testing, repair, rewind, and redesign of electric motors and generators (AC-DC), transformers, switchgear, and servo motors.
  • Dreisilker Electric Motors, Inc [IA][Direct] - Electric motors, controls, field service, and repair from fractional to 10,000 horsepower for our customers world-wide.
  • Emsco [IA][Direct] - Offering a full line of industrial supplies and electric motor repairs to eastern Ontario.
  • H. A. Holden [IA][Direct] - Supplier of electric motor repair parts and technology.
  • IRS [IA][Direct] - Manufacturer of high voltage form coils and roebel bars for industry and utilities. Coil inspection, testing, and installation. Repair and rewind of motors and generators.
  • Janda Electric Motor Service [IA][Direct] - Dc motor repair.
  • Joliet Equipment Corporation [IA][Direct] - Supplies of large and small electrical motors and drive systems. comprehensive motor test, rebuild and repair service center.
  • Shoemaker Electric Company [IA][Direct] - Provider of electrical technology for industry in the Central Ohio area. Services include electric motor repair and custom engineered drive packages.
  • Swam Electric [IA][Direct] - In business for electrical construction, motor repair/service and industrial control panels.
  • Uptime Electronics, Inc. [IA][Direct] - Service, engineering, and parts for industrial electronics, numerical controls, and servo motors.
  • Van Meter Industrial Services [IA][Direct] - Providing electrical motor repair to industry. Facility features VPI (Vacuum Pressure Impregnation) system.
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