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Home > Business and Economy > Companies > Electronics > Radio > Transmitters and Receivers >
Mobile Radio
  • Atlantic Communications Inc. [IA][Direct] - Atlantic Communications Inc. Homepage. Two-way radio, Ericsson\GE Products, Paging, Tunnell Radio, Public Safety Equipment
  • IDA Corporation [IA][Direct] - Electronic equipment for Land Mobile Radio. Including: mobile/base station accessories, trunking controllers, remotes, mobile data and GPS/AVL products.
  • Intelcom, Inc [IA][Direct] - Specialized in mobile, cellular, two-way radio, voice privacy protection, and public/private radio systems planning and development.
  • Intraplex, Inc [IA][Direct] - Manufacturer of ISDN codecs and T1 & E1 multiplexers for the broadcast and mobile radio industries.
  • King Communications [IA][Direct] - KDT-5000 advanced mobile data system is capable of operating with any conventional or trunked radio system; designed for dispatch software companies.
  • Kyodo West, Inc. [IA][Direct] - Distributor of fine land mobile radio equipment and systems. Consulting, custom engineering, and systems integration is also available.
  • Microwave Radio Communications [IA][Direct] - Provider of microwave transmitters, receivers, and antennas for short or long haul links, portable or ENG systems, central receive, and military applications.
  • Philips Telecom Private Mobile Radio [IA][Direct] - Manufacturers of mobile communication equipment for the public and private sectors.
  • Professional Technology Systems [IA][Direct] - Distributor of land mobile radio equipment and systems. Also offers consulting, custom engineering, and systems integration services.
  • Simoco Telecommunications [IA][Direct] - Private mobile radio products and services.
  • SkyCom S.à r.l. Telematics Systems [IA][Direct] - Software application for fleet management, vehicle tracking, SCADA using mobile communication services like INMARSAT-C, GSM, Mobitex, Modacom or trunked radio.
  • SMR Direct [IA][Direct] - Two-way mobile radio dispatch service.
  • Trident Micro Systems [IA][Direct] - Specializing in advanced radio trunking systems, conventional systems and mobile data products.
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