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Home > Business and Economy > Companies > Career and Job Search Services >
  • Brave New Work World [IA][Direct] - Examines life and work in the revolutionary new world economy. All about work all the time for business, education, and careers.
  • Career Explorers [IA][Direct] - Series of career guides/webzines for teens aged 11 - 18 who want to learn what it's really like to pursue careers of interest.
  • Diversity/Careers Magazine [IA][Direct] - Current career and employment opportunities for technical minorities and women involved in engineering and information technology.
  • Employment Review Magazine [IA][Direct] - Articles and updates on the latest trends in employment and tips to keep you on top.
  • Hard@Work [IA][Direct] - Organization made up of people who help each other do better in our real jobs.
  • HotWired: Dream Jobs [IA][Direct] - Looking at a job a day, for inspiration, a lead, new ideas and more.
  • Strive Magazine [IA][Direct] - Provides the information young people need to carve a successful career. It supplies the tools, assembles the models. It tracks the trends and outlines the facts.
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