- Aesthetic Gardens [IA][Direct] -
Source for rare and unusual plant material.
- Agropecuaria Hermanos Pacheco [IA][Direct] -
Offering ornamental plant grower and exporter.
- Al's Fruit & Shrub Center [IA][Direct] -
Family owned nursery located in the heart of the Willamette valley.
- Ambrose Gardens [IA][Direct] -
Online nursery for Northern gardening, provides hardy perennials, planning tools and information for gardening in the Northern region of the United States.
- American Plant Food Nursery and Garden Center [IA][Direct]
- Arizona Aquatic Gardens [IA][Direct] -
Importing, growing and selling aquatic and tropical plants.
- Arkansas Berry & Plant Farm [IA][Direct] -
Specializing in small fruits plants, berry plants, and fruit trees.
- Banana Tree, Inc [IA][Direct] -
Worldwide supplier of rare and uncommon tropical seeds and bulbs.
- Bay Laurel Nursery [IA][Direct] -
Walk-in garden center offering mail-order catalog of bareroot fruit, nut and flowering trees, shrubs, roses and vines.
- Benicia Garden & Nursery [IA][Direct] -
Offers gifts, unusual plants, native California plants, water gardens and more.
- Berkeley Horticultural Nursery [IA][Direct] -
Information resource for gardeners. Offering quality plants in a relaxing atmosphere.
- Bluegrass Blueberries
[IA][Direct] -
Offering varieties of bluberry bushes for sale. - Bonsai Boy of New York [IA][Direct]
- Botanic-Art - Netherlands [IA][Direct] -
Offers hemp skin and body products, cacti, herb plants, and more.
- Botanique [IA][Direct] -
Specializing in unusual plants, especially carnivorous plants.
- Buck Jones & Associates, Inc. [IA][Direct] -
Wholesale nursery specializing in the sale and production of plants and grass sod for the landscape industry, including woody ornamental shrubs and trees, perennials, and groundcovers.
- Butterfield Gardens [IA][Direct]
- Charlie-Dee Nursery [IA][Direct] -
Offers Al's Flower Pouch.
- Cloudy Valley Nursery [IA][Direct] -
Specialize in unusual, rare, hard-to-find begonias, gesnariads, ferns, bougainvilleas, and other tropical plants.
- Cooley's Gardens [IA][Direct] -
Specializing in bearded iris.
- Creekside Gardens [IA][Direct] -
Growers of certified organic ornamental landscaping plants including perennials, shrubs, grasses also offers organic fertilizers, compost worms and castings.
- Crownsville Nursery [IA][Direct] -
Interesting and unusual perennials and ornamental shrubs, including pictures and cultural information.
- CTC Foliage Ltd [IA][Direct] -
Grows a wide range of ornamental plants.
- Custom Grown Plants (New York) [IA][Direct] -
Grows flats of flowers, herbs and vegetables that will be ready by or after the frost date for Long Island.
- D.A. Hoerr and Sons, Inc. [IA][Direct] -
Nursery, sod grower, design and landscape contractor.
- Dan Majeski Nurseries and Garden Center [IA][Direct]
- Dan West Garden Center, Inc. [IA][Direct] -
Featuring bulbs, holiday decorations, advice, and more.
- DeBloemenhoek [IA][Direct] -
Nursery specialising in unusual perennials and alpine plants.
- Delphi Valley Greenhouse [IA][Direct] -
Grower of quality annuals, perennials, vegetable starts, and flowering baskets. Also wreaths and decorations for the holiday gift season.
- Dominion Building Supplies / Gardenland Garden Centre [IA][Direct]
- Dragon Agro Products [IA][Direct] -
Wide variety of orchids, bonsais, ornamentals, and supplies.
- East Valley Bulb [IA][Direct] -
A grower and shipper of elephant ears and caladium bulbs.
- Edible Landscaping [IA][Direct]
- Elk Mountain Nursery [IA][Direct] -
Mail order nursery specializing in plants native to Eastern US. Descriptive catalog with photographs.
- Emily's Ivy Garden [IA][Direct] -
Greenhouse grows many varieties of ivy as well as perennials, annuals, hanging baskets and seasonal potted plants.
- Enoch's Berry Farm [IA][Direct] -
Offers mail-order blackberry plants and root cuttings, and a u-pick patch when berries are in season.
- Etera Perennials [IA][Direct] -
Field raised perennnials grown using a patented process for growers, retail nurseries and directly to the public.
- Fairfield Garden Center [IA][Direct]
- Fiddley Frond's Nursery
[IA][Direct] -
Native perennial plants: ferns, wildflowers, groundcovers, wetland and woodland plants. - Flagg's Garden Center [IA][Direct] -
Garden supply center and landscape contractor.
- Foliage Gardens [IA][Direct] -
Offering ferns, Japanese maples, and more.
- Foremost Foliage, Inc. [IA][Direct] -
Provider of rooted and unrooted plant starter material to the nursery industry.
- Forestfarm [IA][Direct] -
Offers online and mail order services.
- Forrest Nurseries Garden Centre [IA][Direct]
- Galyean Nursery [IA][Direct] -
Growing Vinca groundcovers in the Willamette Valley. Online ordering of new and traditional varieties.
- Gardeningfools [IA][Direct] -
Plants, pots, furnishings, and accessories for beginning or sophisticated gardeners.
- Garden Store, The [IA][Direct]
- Garden Trails [IA][Direct] -
Specializing in unique products for the home and garden. Carries seeds from Botanical Interests.
- Glasshouse Works [IA][Direct] -
Specializes in rare plants from around the globe.
- Go Native [IA][Direct] -
Hardy and low-water use natives, perennials, and ground covers.
- Gondwana Gardens [IA][Direct] -
Supplying rare plants.
- Greenland Family Farms [IA][Direct] -
Trees, shrubs, flowers, and installations available..
- Growers Supply Company [IA][Direct]
- Harvesters Garden Emporium [IA][Direct] -
Online sales of herbs, dried flowers, gifts, botanicals, potpourris, soaps, candles and scented oils, seeds, and plants.
- H & H Botanicals [IA][Direct] -
Carrying unusual herbs, rock plants, and perennials.
- Hickory Hill Herbs [IA][Direct] -
Nursery and gift shop specialized in herbs, native plants, scented geraniums, wreaths, dried flowers and more.
- Hirt's Greenhouse and Flowers [IA][Direct] -
Offers seeds, bulbs, tools, and more.
- Hoot Owl Hollow Nursery [IA][Direct] -
Offering plants for discriminating gardeners: hostas, daylilies, iris, perennials, trees, and shrubs.
- Hortico Nurseries [IA][Direct] -
Offering roses, perennials, flowering shrubs, fruit bushes, small trees, and more.
- Humber Nurseries [IA][Direct]
- Imperial Nurseries, Inc [IA][Direct] -
Wholesale nursery grower who sells to nursery professionals.
- John Shelley's Garden Center & Nursery [IA][Direct]
- Johnson's Garden Centers [IA][Direct] -
For all your lawn and garden products, also introducing a new product from stealth weeder.
- Joint Venture Nurseries [IA][Direct] -
Suppling landscape plants to landscapers and (nurseries)in SE Florida. Selloum, Pine, Palms, Jasmine, Hibiscus, Schefflera, and Ixora.
- Just Natives [IA][Direct] -
Supplier of Australian native flora.
- Klehm Nursery [IA][Direct] -
Offers peonies, hostas, daylilies, and lilacs.
- Kootenai Valley Nursery Growers Association [IA][Direct] -
A collection of Nurseries in Northern Idaho.
- Las Pilitas [IA][Direct] -
California native plant nursery which also offers landscaping and biological/ecological restoration consulting services.
- Laurelton Greenhouses [IA][Direct] -
Seasonal plants in southside and central Virginia.
- L. G. Hoffman Nurseries [IA][Direct] -
Grower and shipper of bare-rooted and heavy potted plants.
- Linder's Garden Centers [IA][Direct] -
Current information on gardening in the midwest, seminars and sales.
- Logee's Greenhouses [IA][Direct] -
Offers chat, question and answer, and catalog of rare and unusual tropical plants.
- Lychee Woods [IA][Direct]
- Mail-Order Natives [IA][Direct] -
Retail supplier of hard-to-find native plants: rees, shrubs, perennials, herbs, grasses; garden tools; reference books; fun nature projects for kids.
- Master Nursery Garden Centers [IA][Direct]
- Matterhorn Nursery, Inc. [IA][Direct]
- M. D. Bolin & Associates [IA][Direct]
- Meewisse Kwekerijen [IA][Direct] -
Specialize in bromelias and ficuses.
- Mellingers [IA][Direct] -
Garden center and mailorder catalog offering plants and gardening supplies.
- Midway Plant Farm [IA][Direct] -
Retail gardening center and nursery.
- Miles Estate Herb and Berry Farm [IA][Direct] -
Growers and sellers of culinary, aromatic, ornamental and exotic herbs, spices, flowers, berries and gifts from the fertile Willamette Valley.
- Mini Crape Myrtles [IA][Direct] -
Patented cold-hardy weeping miniature Lagerstroemia including Dixie and Pixie series hybrids of this flowering plant.
- Mt. Tahoma Nursery [IA][Direct] -
Involved in the selection, propagation, and selling of choice rock garden, alpine house and woodland plants.
- National Christmas Tree Association [IA][Direct] -
Includes a guide to Christmas tree farms and retail lots.
- National Nursery Network [IA][Direct] -
Creates promotional hardline and greengoods programs for the major national retailers; also sell poinsettias on-line to northern California organizations.
- N.A.T.S. Nursery Ltd [IA][Direct] -
Specialized wholesale growers of quality ground cover, conifer and deciduous, and plants native to the Pacific Northwest.
- Natural Gardening Company [IA][Direct] -
Organic seed and seedling nursery and retail store specializing in tomatoes.
- New Life Farm [IA][Direct] -
Grows and sells trees and shrubs to raise funds for Christian missions and for the training of Christian missionaries.
- Niche Gardens [IA][Direct] -
Catalog with online ordering offers nursery-propagated wildflowers, southeastern native plants, selected garden perennials, ornamental grasses and underused trees and shrubs.
- North Haven Gardens [IA][Direct] -
Retail garden center with full service florist and wholesale nursery. Services include landscape design, installation and maintenance, and more.
- Northwest Seed and Pet [IA][Direct] -
Full service gardening and pet store, serving Spokane.
- Nursery Capital [IA][Direct] -
For nurserymen to reach potential customers from around the world.
- NurseryNet [IA][Direct] -
Buying and selling nursery stock via the Internet.
- Nursery Supply Company [IA][Direct] -
Tulips, daffodils, bulbs, perennials and other specialty plants. High quality, great prices & selection! We have secure online ordering.
- Nutlin Nursery [IA][Direct] -
Hints and tips for growing hydrangeas; information on stock list and plant fairs.
- Oakes Nurseries [IA][Direct] -
Landscaping, interior and exterior. Trees, bushes, tropical plants, plants, statuaries.
- Oglevee [IA][Direct] -
Offers commercial growers a wide variety of colors and types of zonal, ivy and regal geranium cuttings.
- Palos Verdes Begonia Farm [IA][Direct] -
Garden center and gift shop.
- Pearsall's Garden Center and Nursery [IA][Direct] -
Retail outlet with mail order garden supply and gift store for internet shopping.
- Plant Delights Nursery, Inc. [IA][Direct] -
Specializes in unusual perennials, including amorphophallus, arisaema, asarum, ferns, hardy palms, helleborus, and more.
- Plant Development Services, Inc. [IA][Direct] -
Offers landscape and garden plants by mail.
- PlantFinder Net [IA][Direct] -
Electronic plant catalogue for commercial live plant buyers.
- Plants of the Southwest [IA][Direct] -
Specializing in drought tolerant native plants and seeds.
- Plants of the Wild [IA][Direct] -
Specializing in trees, shrubs, vines and groundcovers.
- Prairie Moon Nursery [IA][Direct] -
Growers and suppliers of native plants and seeds for wetland, prairie, savanna and woodland regions of the upper midwest.
- Raintree Nursery [IA][Direct] -
Independent family nursery providing edible plants and trees.
- Ramtown Florist & Greenhouses [IA][Direct] -
Wholesale distributors of Christmas trees & wreaths, assorted plants and flowers.
- Rasland Farm [IA][Direct] -
We have distinctive herb plants, scented geraniums, herbal products and dried flowers.
- Richters Herbs [IA][Direct] -
Herb plants and seeds shipped worldwide to home gardeners and commercial herb growers; free color catalog.
- Riding Mountain Wildflowers [IA][Direct] -
Sells over 80 varieites of wildflower and native grasses (both seeds and live plants.
- Rippingale Nursery [IA][Direct]
- Rock Spray Nursery [IA][Direct] -
Specializes in growing and selling hardy heath and heather.
- Rohde's Nursery [IA][Direct] -
Carries organic gardening products, native plants, and bird supplies. Also offers landscape design and maintenance services.
- Roozen's Nursery and Aquarium Center [IA][Direct] -
Gardening and salt water aquarium keeping needs.
- Rosbergen & Grootendorst [IA][Direct] -
Grower and shipper of nursery stock.
- Roycroft Daylily Nursery [IA][Direct] -
Container grown daylilies.
- Rural King [IA][Direct]
- Salmon Falls Nursery, Inc. [IA][Direct] -
Nursery and garden center for southern Maine and New Hampshire.
- San Felasco Nurseries, Inc [IA][Direct] -
A wholesale grower and shipper of woody ornamental shrubs, trees, perennials and annuals.
- Santa Barbara Heirloom Seedling Nursery [IA][Direct] -
Primary source of certified organic heirloom vegetable, herb and flower seedlings; air expresses seedlings directly to your door, ready to plant.
- Schaefer Greenhouses, Inc. [IA][Direct] -
Offers plants, flowers, a gift shop and garden center.
- Shanti Bithi Nursery [IA][Direct]
- Sherwood's Forest [IA][Direct] -
Nursery, garden center, and landscape contractor.
- Sonoma Savories [IA][Direct] -
Offers scented geraniums.
- South Cove Nursery [IA][Direct] -
An impressive selection of both annual and perennial herbs, scented geraniums, dried flower seedlings and miniature roses.
- Southern Perennials & Herbs [IA][Direct] -
Our complete catalog of perennials, herbs, grasses, gingers, woody plants and vines.
- Southland Nursery [IA][Direct] -
Specialize in rare cattleya, orchids and daylilies.
- Spence Restoration Nursery [IA][Direct] -
Provides nursery-propagated native plant material for the restoration of native plant communities.
- Spooner Farms [IA][Direct] -
Nursery which grows certified raspberry and strawberry plants.
- Spring Hill Nursery [IA][Direct] -
Perennial flowering plants, roses, trees and shrubs.
- Spurgeon Greenhouses [IA][Direct] -
Offering annuals, perrenials and garden vegetable plants for retail or wholesale.
- Star Nursery [IA][Direct] -
Retail/wholesale garden center specializing in Southwest gardening and landscape. Also specialize in irrigation and fertilizers.
- Stepping Stones Nursery, Ltd. [IA][Direct] -
Growers of liner grade plant material from New Zealand.
- Sunscape Landscape and Nursery, Inc. [IA][Direct] -
Collector of specimen palm trees and other plants.
- Sunshine Farm & Gardens [IA][Direct] -
A unique combination of rare plant collection and commercial nursery.
- Sunwest Nursery [IA][Direct] -
Grower and broker of a large variety of plant materials.
- Superior Plant Sales, Inc. [IA][Direct] -
Provides indoor and blooming plants and cacti to the wholesale, retail, and interiorscape markets.
- Swanhill Nurseries [IA][Direct] -
Provides commercial and residential landscapes with the only city and county approved pollenless olive tree.
- Sylvan Nursery, Inc [IA][Direct] -
Specializing in seashore plants, heathers, perennials, trees, and shrubs.
- Tanem's Garden Centers [IA][Direct] -
Specializes in deer resistant gardening.
- Tanglewood Farms [IA][Direct] -
Specializes in flowers and site planning.
- Teddy Colbert's Garden [IA][Direct] -
Offering living succulent and floral wreaths, as well as kits and wreath making supplies.
- Theatrum Botanicum [IA][Direct] -
Mail-order nursery specializing in entheogens, ethnobotanicals and herbs.
- Thomas Bros. Grass Co [IA][Direct] -
Providing sod and sodding services and large athletic field and golf course construction, including big roll sod.
- TLC Florist & Greenhouse [IA][Direct] -
Carries a full line of garden supplies and nursery stock with a full-line greenhouse, full service florist and landscape design and installation.
- Toadshade Wildflower Farm [IA][Direct] -
A mail order nursery specializing in native perennial plants of the eastern United States.
- Toms [IA][Direct] -
Offering nursery products, bird feeders, lawn care goods, and deer protection.
- Trade Secret Gardens [IA][Direct] -
Specializing in hardy perennials and located in a country setting on land that has been farmed since 1687.
- Treeborne Gardens Worldwide, Inc. [IA][Direct] -
Specializes in Bromeliads.
- Triple Tree Nurseries [IA][Direct]
- Twin Hopes Wholesale Nursery
[IA][Direct] -
Grow hardy perennials and herbs from cuttings, divisions, and seed. We supply plants to the wholesale trade, garden centers, landscapers, and other wholesale nurseries. - Twombly Nursery [IA][Direct] -
Staffed by experts in winter gardening, ornamental horticulture, architectural landscaping, and tree care, offering display gardens, perennials, shrubs, conifers, and plants.
- U.S. Plants [IA][Direct] -
Plants, containers and supplies delivered to your door.
- Van Essen's Nursery Company [IA][Direct] -
Includes boxwoods, broadleaf evergreens, conifers, and more.
- Venus Flytraps from Greenscape
[IA][Direct] -
Order venus flytraps. - V.O. Chambers Nursery [IA][Direct] -
We are selling all of our rhododendrons.
- Waterdrinker Aalsmeer [IA][Direct] -
Wholesaler of garden plants and supplies.
- Wendin Creek Farms [IA][Direct] -
Christmas tree farm with many varieties for sale, along with other products: honey, maple syrup, and nursery stock.
- Western Garden Nursery
[IA][Direct] -
Full service, four acre, garden center. - Wildthings Flower Farm
[IA][Direct] -
Pesticide-free growers of flowers and herbs offering fresh and dried flowers, essential oils, herbal candles, and a butterfly garden for touring. - William Richards Nursery [IA][Direct] -
A wholesale nursery that personally delivers their plant material.
- Willow Pond Nursery [IA][Direct] -
Growing and selling rare and unusual plants including perennials, shrubs, herbs, ornamental grasses, wildflowers and vines for garden and landscape.
- Wilson Wholesale Nursery [IA][Direct] -
Wholesale only, growers and suppliers of nursery stock, conifers, ornamentals and live Christmas trees.
- Windswept Farm Perennials [IA][Direct]
- Wipledale Farm Greenhouse [IA][Direct] -
Retail and wholesale family owned greenhouse.
- Yew Tree Farm Nursery [IA][Direct] -
Offering flowers and plants with established root-ball for fast growth.
- Zook Landscape Nursery [IA][Direct] -
Wholesale nursery providing trees, shrubs, roses, ornamental grass, perennial plants as well as landscape, seeding, irrigation, and spraying contracting.