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Document Delivery
  • Access/Information [IA][Direct] - Provides research, information-retrieval, and document delivery. Specializes in business, market background, environmental, and high-tech research, court monitoring, and records management.
  • Access Russia, Inc. [IA][Direct] - Full service information company that provides rapid delivery of information products and conducting market research in Russia and CIS.
  • Custom Standards Services, Inc. [IA][Direct] - Low prices on hardcopy documents, test methods, and regulations. Free updating service to make sure that you have the current editions of the documents that you need.
  • Document Center Home Page [IA][Direct] - A hard copy document delivery service specializing in government and industry specifications and standards.
  • European Union Document Repository [IA][Direct] - Online repository containing the official publications of the European Institutions.
  • Information Express [IA][Direct] - A full-service document delivery company serving all industries. Provides an information searching, alerting, and ordering service on the Web.
  • Infotrieve [IA][Direct] - A library services company providing access to medical, scientific and business databases with a user-friendly interface and seamless document delivery access.
  • Research Access@  (1996)
  • TDI & Co. [IA][Direct] - Specializing in time critical information needs.
  • Theological Research Exchange Network [IA][Direct] - Microfiche and document delivery library of over 6,400 theological thesis and dissertation titles representing research from over 60 American and Canadian seminaries.
  • UnCover [IA][Direct]
  • VitalChek Network Inc. [IA][Direct] - Helps people obtain copies of birth or death certificates from the appropriate government agency.
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