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Home > Business and Economy > Companies > Information > Library Services >
Serials Vendors
  • Alfred Jaeger Incorporated [IA][Direct] - A full-service back-volume periodical vendor serving libraries world-wide for over 35 years.
  • Dawson Holdings Plc [IA][Direct]
  • EBSCO Information Services [IA][Direct] - Provides integrated and cost-effective access to information through three related divisions: EBSCO Subscription Services, EBSCO Publishing, and EBSCOdoc.
  • Faxon Company [IA][Direct] - A serial publication subscription agency, provides information of interest to serials librarians, including pricing projections and analyses, updates on new publications, links to publishers and library-related sites, and resources related to EDI and other industry standards.
  • Readmore, Inc. [IA][Direct] - A serials subscription and management vendor. We provide traditional subscription services to special, corporate, medical and academic libraries.
  • United States Book Exchange [IA][Direct] - Stocks different journal titles, also used magazines, library resources. Orders accepted from member libraries.
  • W. T. Cox Subscriptions, Inc [IA][Direct] - Magazine subscription agency serving schools, the public, medical, academic and special libraries.
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