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Home > Business and Economy > Companies > Music > CDs, Records, and Tapes >
  • Classical Insites [IA][Direct] - Specializing in classical recordings.
  • DTR/Direct-to-Tape Recordings [IA][Direct] - Audiophile quality CDs, cassettes, DAT recordings: primarily classical chamber music, pipe organs, Christmas. Also audio equipment.
  • H&B Recordings Direct [IA][Direct] - Specializes in Classical and Jazz CD sales. We feature news, reviews and recommendations of new Classical and Jazz CDs, and can research for the CDs you want.
  • Irvington Music [IA][Direct] - Buyer and seller of collectable long playing records and reel to reel tapes, focusing in classical, opera, and jazz.
  • Liberty Music [IA][Direct] - Publishes set price catalogues of rare classical LPs and an annual 78-rpm auction list.
  • Music in the Mail [IA][Direct] - Classical CDs, low prices. Latest releases. Also: classical music reviews, articles on great musicians, audio history, CD audio samples. LPs, historic broadway Playbills sold.
  • NVI Classical Records [IA][Direct] - Resellers of rare, out-of-print classical LPs and 78s.
  • Smusic [IA][Direct] - Check out our day by day, anniversary calendar of historical classical music dates.
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