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  • Abrams Media Training [IA][Direct] - Professional development seminars, workshops and demonstrations for the video, film and telecommunications industries.
  • ASTechnet [IA][Direct] - Database marketing consultancy which specializes in the newspaper industry.
  • Bortz & Company, Inc. [IA][Direct] - Specializing in broadcast and cable television, sports, new media, and international ventures.
  • Cole Group, The [IA][Direct] - Specializing in consulting on "newsroom technology": text-editing, graphics, desktop publishing, picture and library systems. Includes a link to The Cole Pages.
  • Dewitt Media, Inc. [IA][Direct] - Independent media agency developing media strategies in support of advertising for advertisers.
  • Editorial Services of New England (ESNE) [IA][Direct] - Providing specialized publications services, including staffing and project management for print and electronic publications
  • Experimental Media Research Laboratory [IA][Direct] - A loosely-knit group of craftsmen, technicians, and engineers studying various media (video/film, audio and noise, digital networks, photography) and distributing such product.
  • Internews [IA][Direct] - International non-profit organization that supports independent media in emerging democracies.
  • Intervox Communications [IA][Direct] - Presenting an on-line broadcast reference desk.
  • Lawler New Media Consulting [IA][Direct] - Get training and produce your own interactive multimedia and Web page advertising. Design attention-getting ads with the latest computertechniques.
  • Marshall Marketing & Communications Inc. [IA][Direct] - A full service marketing/consulting/research firm servicing the media and retail industries, specializing in local market-specific research and consultation.
  • Media Power, Inc. [IA][Direct] - Offers courses and instruction in digital video production and editing, as well as digital video and audio production facilities.
  • Mediastats Group of Companies [IA][Direct] - Offers the Broadcast/Cable industries experience in statistics gathering, media and market research and technical report writing.
  • MHM Communications [IA][Direct] - Serving the radio, television, cable, internet and related industries. We specialize in sales training and development, motivation, research, marketing and overall trouble shooting.
  • Newsroom Consulting Group [IA][Direct] - High-tech and traditional operational solutions for newspaper editors. In-house workshops in photography, graphics, copy editing, management.
  • Pearl Media Consultants [IA][Direct]
  • WMD [IA][Direct] - Product and services for the media industries.
  • Wolfe Communications [IA][Direct] - Creating turnkey interactive telephone programs for local media.
  • Xyber AB [IA][Direct] - A consultant company specializing in business development in media and telecom.
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