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African American
  • African American Images [IA][Direct] - Publisher and distributor of black studies and Afrocentric material.
  • Ananse Press [IA][Direct] - Publishers of history and biography, focusing on African-Americans in the Pacific NW and beyond.
  • Black Classic Press [IA][Direct] - Devoted to publishing obscure, significant and important works and books by and about people of African descent.
  • Communicators Press Publishing [IA][Direct] - Description and order information for the Truth Collection, by renowned Biblical and Hebrew scholar Ben Ammi: the leader of the largest resettlement of African Americans outside of America.
  • Go Ware Travel [IA][Direct] - Publishes travel city maps and guides to Afrocentric culture and entertainment.
  • IC Publications [IA][Direct] - Publisher of New African, Middle East, and African Businessmen magazines.
  • MG-Publishing Company [IA][Direct] - Producers of the "Publishers Black Literary Catalog", works by or published about Black Americans. Distributor of Afro-American greeting cards, Kwanzaa cards, posters and postcards.
  • Rap Lyrics [IA][Direct] - Publisher and distributor of original, motivational edutainment books and cassettes.
  • Vega Press [IA][Direct] - African-American publishing company specializing in photography and poetry.
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