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Home > Business and Economy > Companies > Quality > ISO >
  • CabiNet.ISO [IA][Direct] - Full featured document control software for managing ISO 9000 and QS 9000 related documentation.
  • Cyber Quality Inc. [IA][Direct] - Helps implement an effective Quality System, attain and maintain ISO / QS 9000 Certification, or simply to deliver consistent products and services.
  • International Systems Registrars Ltd [IA][Direct] - ISO/QS/TE 9000 quality consulting, auditing, training and online manual and software for ease in registration.
  • ISO-9000 [IA][Direct] - Software products for the Implementation, Maintenance and Training of ISO/QS-9000 and Equivalent quality standards.
  • ISO By Example software [IA][Direct] - Procedures, forms, auditing checklists & implementation guidelines / advice. FAQ's on 9001, 9002 & costs. Sample documents suited to manufacturing & design control.
  • ISOCSA Quality Management, Inc. [IA][Direct] - Offers Assessor for ISO 9000 to customize your path to certification.
  • O'Logic Inc [IA][Direct] - Software solutions to the otherwise complex and expensive task of creating a "Quality System" for companies wishing to achieve ISO 9000 Certification.
  • Optimum Technology [IA][Direct] - Quality systems and environmental management systems software that helps with ISO 9000 and ISO 14000 certification.
  • Precis Group, The [IA][Direct] - Produces of software designed to make the toughest parts of ISO-9000 and QS-9000 certification a breeze.
  • Providence Quality Expert - Providence Expert Qualité [IA][Direct] - Le logiciel d'aide à l'implantation des normes ISO 9000 et au maintien de la certification - The software to help implement and maintain ISO 9000 certification
  • Quality Quebec [IA][Direct] - Logiciels en management qualité (ISO 9000, ISO 14000, gestion documentaire, sécurité) et en gestion financière. Software for quality management ISO 9000 and document control.
  • Quality Systems International [IA][Direct] - The System9000 and the QS9000 systems to assist in establishing and maintaining ISO/QS 9000 certification. Training and consulting services are also available.
  • Reality Interactive, Inc@  (1996)
  • Resolutions Inc. [IA][Direct]
  • Software Technology Group [IA][Direct] - Software process assessment and improvement; software ISO 9000 preparation, software SSQA preparation, software TQM, and more.
  • Systems Improvement, Inc [IA][Direct] - CI-Toolkit quality software for ISO9000, Malcolm Baldrige, TQM, QAF, TAQ, TQL
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