love potion #9 [IA][Direct] -
Remember Eden through the Alchemy of an Herbal Aphrodisiac. Feeling the spark of Creation in each and every cell of your Being. Try Love Potion #9.
M.C. Marble, Inc. [IA][Direct] -
Manufacturer of Beaches, a unisex fragrance combining a three hundred year old love potion with synthetic pheromones.
Prodige for Men and Women [IA][Direct] -
Natural herbal supplement designed to promote good health and specifically formulated to pump up your passion.
Secret Garden [IA][Direct] -
Erotic and sensual lingerie, lotions, potions and aphrodisiacs.
Sensual Herbs Plus [IA][Direct] -
Aphrodisiacs, herbs, tonics, and adult products to add pleasure to your life.
Yes [IA][Direct] -
Pheromone perfume for men designed to sexually attract women instantly.
Yes! - Perfume for Men [IA][Direct] -
Boost your sex appeal and change your social life forever with pheromones. This pheromone perfume is scientifically proven to instantly attract women.