- Consumer Information Catalog [IA][Direct] -
Browse the Catalog and view full text versions of the publications.
- Consumer Information Center [IA][Direct] -
You've seen the TV commercials, now view & download the publications online, free!. The Consumer Information Catalog lists over 200 free and low cost publications covering health, business, home and money matters, and more!
- Nolo Press Self-Help Law Center [IA][Direct] -
Online legal assistance for the little guy.
- American Consumer Products Festival 1996 [IA][Direct]
- ArmYourSelf [IA][Direct] -
Protects, investigates & informs the public on what's hot & what's not.
- Australian Consumers' Association (ACA) [IA][Direct] -
A non-profit organization producing and providing useful and accessible information and representing and advancing consumers' interests.
- Canadian Standards Association (CSA) [IA][Direct] -
Non-government, non-profit association operates internationally to set standards for products and services through tests, certification, inspection for safety & performance. Includes EMC and IEC testing.
- Cancel-It [IA][Direct] -
Helps you to cancel any on-line product or service.
- Comparison [IA][Direct] -
An independent information provider comparing the rates of various long distance telephone companies.
- Consumer Education and Research Centre [IA][Direct] -
Devoted to protection and promotion of consumer rights through effective uses of education, research, the media, and the law.
- Consumer Electronics Show 95@ (1996)
- Consumer Partners [IA][Direct] -
Consumer information exchange experiment.
- Consumers International [IA][Direct] -
Worldwide federation of consumer organisations strives to protect and promote consumer rights through organisational development, information, research and discussion.
- Consumer World [IA][Direct] -
600+ "consumer" links.
- CyberCop Precinct House [IA][Direct] -
Keep Cyberspace safe for consumers! Fill out our complaint form with your cyber-gripe. Check here for consumer updates and tips.
- EnviroProducts Directory [IA][Direct] -
This directory should help eco-conscious consumers find companies that they will feel comfortable doing business with.
- European Consumer Policy service [IA][Direct] -
Information abot the European Commssion's Consumer Policy Service and the European Consumer Guide
- Flea Market @ FUW [IA][Direct]
- FTC Consumer Brochures [IA][Direct]
- Internet Advocacy Center [IA][Direct] -
Internet repository for consumer protection information.
- National Consumer Complaint Center [IA][Direct]
- Openair-Market Net [IA][Direct] -
Information about open air marketplaces (farmer's markets, swap meets, and flea markets) around the world for tourists and businesses alike.
- PriceWeb [IA][Direct] -
A list of nationally advertised prices on many popular computer peripherals. This makes it easy to find the lowest price.
- Product ReviewNet [IA][Direct] -
Indexes and abstracts reviews from print magazines and online sources.
- Protect Yourself From Consumer Fraud [IA][Direct] -
From the Florida Attorney General. Describes many common scams.
- United States Post Office Consumer Information [IA][Direct]
- U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) [IA][Direct] -
Federal regulatory agency which protects the public against unreasonable risks of injuries and deaths associated with consumer products.