- White House Economic Statistics Briefing Room [IA][Direct] -
Easy access to current Federal economic indicators. provides links to information produced by a number of Federal agencies.
- Bank of Montreal Economic Research and Analysis [IA][Direct] -
Analysis on Canada, United States and international economies.
- Bureau of Economic Analysis News Releases [IA][Direct]
- Bureau of Labor Statistic - Economy at a Glance [IA][Direct]
- Business Cycle Indicators [IA][Direct] -
A well-organized, comprehensive stop for indexes on labor, output, sales, prices, wages, savings, imports and exports, money supply, composites and more.
- Conference Board, The [IA][Direct] -
Leading business membership and research organization, connecting senior executives from more than 2,300 enterprises in over 60 nations. Among other things, produces the Consumer Confidence Index.
- Conference Board, The@ (1999)
- Consumer Price Indexes [IA][Direct]
- Dismal Scientist [IA][Direct] -
Economic data and analysis by nationally recognized economists.
- Economics and Financial Forecast Center [IA][Direct] -
Macroeconomic indicators and financial indexes such as the S&P; and Dow Jone's Industrials.
- Economics By E-Mail [IA][Direct] -
Free e-mail service that provides a weekly list of important economic statistics and indicators of the US economy for subscribers.
- Federal Reserve Board: Statistical Releases and Historical Data [IA][Direct] -
Weekly, monthly, quarterly, and annual releases.
- Federal Reserve Economic Data (FRED) Data [IA][Direct] -
Hosted by the Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis.
- Historic and Present Discount Rates [IA][Direct]
- Producer Price Indexes [IA][Direct]
- Public Debt of the United States, The [IA][Direct] -
Posted every business day here by the Department of Treasury, Bureau of the Public Debt.
- Tracking the Economy [IA][Direct] -
Ninth district indicators.