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Home > Business and Economy > Markets and Investments > Banking >
Rate Monitors
  • Bank-CD Rate Scanner [IA][Direct] - Fee-based service that allows investors to compare rates and purchase the top FDIC-insured CDs (certificates of deposit) in the USA.
  • BanxQuote Virtual Banking Center [IA][Direct] - Gives interest rates for depository and credit markets in the United States.
  • infoBank [IA][Direct]
  • Money-rates.com [IA][Direct] - Investment rates on CDs, money markets, savings and other FDIC-insured products.
  • Prime Rate [IA][Direct] - Search for best rates on auto,home loans and credit cards. Highest CD, money market rates. Best NASDAQ stock investments, prices.
  • rate.net [IA][Direct] - Compiles rates for savings accounts, mortgages, auto and equity loans, CDs, and credit cards.
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