- Fairplay [IA][Direct] -
Marine information and publishing company. Publishers of Fairplay Shipping Weekly Magazine; ships, ports and marine related company databases.
- MarineLink [IA][Direct] -
Source of news, editorial commentary and statistical data on the international shipping and shipbuilding industries.
- Revista Marítima [IA][Direct] -
Argentinian magazine of international cargo transport.
- Shai [IA][Direct] -
An exclusive maritime magazine. Here you'll find updated shipping schedules and airtransport timetables, concerning Israel and the global market.
- Shipping Digest [IA][Direct] -
Sailing schedules and the handbook for international trade.
- Shipping International [IA][Direct] -
News magazine for the international shipping industry chartering to shipowners, builders, operators etc..
- TimesNet Asia [IA][Direct] -
News archives on business, cargo and travel topics.