- Alaska Outdoors Magazine [IA][Direct] -
Journal of Alaskašs sportfishing, hunting, and outdoor recreation.
- Fishing and Hunting News Online [IA][Direct] -
Analyzes and reports on upcoming fishing and hunting opportunities for local anglers and hunters.
- Georgia Outdoor News [IA][Direct] -
Hunting and fishing features, conservation, fiction, legislative updates.
- netSTOP [IA][Direct] -
Information and guideson backpacking in Australia
- New Hampshire Outdoor Companion [IA][Direct] -
Source for hiking, biking, paddling and skiing in New Hampshire. Practice random acts of outdoor fun with a subscription.
- Peterson Online [IA][Direct] -
A magazine for those interested in the natural world, especially birders.
- Sports Afield [IA][Direct] -
Authority for outdoor enthusiasts with special interest in fishing, hunting, and traditional sporting activities. A publication of Hearst Magazines.
- Wildlife & Nature [IA][Direct] -
Focusing on Floridašs wildlife, nature and outdoors including Florida camping, hiking, birdwatching, photography and more.