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Voice Access
  • Audiopoint [IA][Direct] - Receive news and information anytime, anywhere by speaking a request into your phone.
  • BeVocal, Inc. [IA][Direct] - Get driving directions, traffic reports, weather forecasts, business locations, flight information, stock quotes, and more by phone.
  • iNetNow.com [IA][Direct] - Internet concierge service where users call a toll-free phone number, talk to a person, tell them what they want from the Internet and they find it.
  • InternetSpeech.com [IA][Direct] - Lets users give voice commands to get Net-based information.
  • mySpeech [IA][Direct] - Allows site visitors to browse pages by speaking.
  • Quack.com [IA][Direct] - Allows users to get information on a variety of topics by calling a toll-free number from any phone and speaking.
  • quixi [IA][Direct] - Offers a for-fee service that allows customers to get human-assisted Internet searches. Search queries may be submitted by phone or email.
  • Savos [IA][Direct] - Offers PC-free access to customized Internet audio programming from any mobile phone.
  • ShopTalk [IA][Direct] - Phone service where users receive products, offers, free samples, and discounts in their areas of interest.
  • Tellme Networks [IA][Direct] - Allows users to get information such as restaurants, sports, traffic, and stocks by dialing an 800 number.
  • TelSurf [IA][Direct] - Uses the telephone to access the Internet, send email, hear news, get stock quotes, movie reviews, driving directions, and more.
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