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  • 3000 NewsWire, The [IA][Direct] - Independent view of analysis and information on the HP 3000 server. Offers subscription to its independent monthly newsletter.
  • America's Network Online [IA][Direct] - Providing reporting and business analysis of telecommunications technologies for today's public network.
  • Computer-mediated communication magazine [IA][Direct] - CMC Magazine publishes news, features, essays, and research reports about the phenomenon of human communication and information retrieval on global networks. (ISSN 1076-027X)
  • Critical Mass [IA][Direct] - This is a new e-zine designed by six Communications students at Simon Fraser University. The zine covers a variety of topics from film-making to media thinkers.
  • Data Communications Magazine [IA][Direct]
  • DMReview [IA][Direct] - An issues and solutions publication that focuses on data warehousing, client/server and object technology for the enterprise.
  • FidoNews [IA][Direct] - Official Fidonet weekly electronic magazine.
  • LAN Times [IA][Direct] - Leading the industry in providing strategic and hands-on technical information for network professionals who build and maintain enterprise networks.
  • Microsoft Certified Professional Magazine Online [IA][Direct] - A community for professionals seeking Microsoft certification. Features include forums, news, training search engines, classifieds & editorial created just for the MCSE, MCSD & MCP.
  • NC World Magazine [IA][Direct] - Information on network-centric computing issues from the NC to thin client. Offers tutorials, reviews, how-tos, columns, myth-busting and more.
  • Network Computing [IA][Direct] - Offers solutions for the networked enterprise.
  • Networking for Success [IA][Direct] - Electronic publication providing financial insight and interpretation of business issues shaping network systems strategy.
  • Network Magazine [IA][Direct]
  • Network Observer [IA][Direct] - A free monthly on-line newsletter about networks and democracy
  • Revista Red [IA][Direct] - Open forum for computer tips and comments designed for both experts and newcomers. (In Spanish)
  • Thin Planet [IA][Direct] - Resource center for thin client and server-based technologies.
  • ThinWorld [IA][Direct] - Thin client and network computing technology discussions, news, commentary, case studies, and more.
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