- Computation [wisc.edu] [IA][Direct]
- Computer-Based Simulations - WWW Virtual Library [IA][Direct]
- Computer Information Centre [IA][Direct] -
Resource for the IT professional - provides information about major computer and communications manufacturers, major industry organisations and key topics.
- Computing [wisc.edu] [IA][Direct]
- Cool Tool of The Day [IA][Direct] -
Every day a cool new Net tool, absolutely guaranteed to knock your virtual socks off or double your money back!
- Information Systems Meta-List [IA][Direct] -
Pointers to information on Client-Server Databases, Computer Vendors, and Information System Trade Press.
- Nerd World Media Internet Subject Index [IA][Direct] -
Large category listing of computer related links.
- PC SoftDIR [IA][Direct] -
DOS and Windows Software Directory and Reference Guide. Provides profiles on 4,000+ Titles and ~500 companies. Categories include Business, Communications, Developers, and more.
- sunWHERE -- Pages of interest to SPARC and Solaris users [IA][Direct] -
A service of SunWorld Online magazine, sunWHERE offers links to text and software archives, as well as third-party vendors selling products that operate with Solaris and SPARC.
- Virtual Computer Library [IA][Direct]