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Beginners' Channels
  • #Beginner [IA][Direct] - Good Undernet channel to start chatting on.
  • #Beginner [IA][Direct] - Good Undernet channel to start chatting on.
  • #Easy_Chat [IA][Direct] - A great place to start your IRC chat adventures! Learn about the channel operators and easily get all the software needed to join in the fun.
  • #friendly on EFNet [IA][Direct] - Our own little space on the net where all are welcome to visit and hang out.
  • #ircnewbies [IA][Direct] - Clean, fun Chatroom for beginners to experienced chatters to learn or help others.
  • #newbies [IA][Direct] - IRC channel for people new to the Internet.
  • #Newchat [IA][Direct]
  • #Newuser [IA][Direct] - Dedicated to being a friendly, safe place for those to new to IRC to come and get their feet wet, ask questions, and have a little fun.
  • #Pirch [IA][Direct] - IRC client chat and help channel.
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