- Web Pages That Suck
[IA][Direct] -
Learn good web page design techniques by looking at bad web page design. - Yale Web Style Guide
[IA][Direct] -
Covers graphic and information design, page layout, site organization, navigation, and multimedia content. - 12 Design Decisions Your Organization or Business Will Need to Make [TheOldNet][Direct] -
An interactive article designed to help small business people make correct design decisions the first time. Returns an e-mail copy of decisions made.
- '96 Internet Myung-In Festival [TheOldNet][Direct] -
International prominent webpage contest thru August 24, 1996.
- Actual Internet [TheOldNet][Direct]
- Beautify The Web [TheOldNet][Direct] -
Non profit web design, free services available.
- Best Viewed With Any Browser [TheOldNet][Direct] -
Campaign for a non-browser specific WWW and offers graphics and information for use in joining the campaign.
- BoZine Web Graphics [TheOldNet][Direct] -
Discusses how to enhance a website's visual presentation; includes graphics help pages that simplify image processing procedures.
- Cherish's Best of the Web Image Archive [TheOldNet][Direct] -
An ever growing archive of images for making your own web page, free distribution.
- Creating Graphics for the Web [TheOldNet][Direct] -
A fortnightly guide to how to produce killer graphics for Web sites. Explodes myths about GIFs and JPEGs and advises on tricky subjects such as anti-aliasing.
- Design-O-Rama! [TheOldNet][Direct] -
Use this reference material for all of your HyperText Markup Language needs and your site might just look as good as Glassdog.
- Developer Zone [TheOldNet][Direct] -
Glen Davis and Project Cool offer up tips and techniques for building effective and interesting websites.
- ezone [TheOldNet][Direct] -
Put a small animation into your homepage! It's free and it moves.
- Higher Source Contract Enterprises [TheOldNet][Direct]
- Hints for building web sites [TheOldNet][Direct] -
High-level hints and tips, including philosophy.
- Home of THe Horrizontal Rule! [TheOldNet][Direct] -
Horizontal Rules (lines) and other graphics custom made for your web pages. No fee for those already posted.
- HyperContent, HyperJunk [TheOldNet][Direct] -
Hypertext theory as if the www matters.
- Interfacing [TheOldNet][Direct] -
An interview with Steve Berlin, editor of The Useless Pages, on how NOT to make a good page.
- Internet Faux Pas Forum [TheOldNet][Direct] -
Read and write comments about blink, frames, and other things people shouldn't use.
- [lasher]s Domain
[TheOldNet][Direct] -
Collection of backgrounds, animated gif's, and icons. - Lem Con One: Graphics Vault [TheOldNet][Direct] -
Icons, graphics, and backgrounds for your web pages.
- Logo Factory, The
[TheOldNet][Direct] -
Free logos designed for personal homepages. - Mega Web Tools [TheOldNet][Direct] -
Free graphics, backgrounds, icons and more for beginners and seasoned webmasters.
- Netscape 2.0/Photoshop Demo Page [TheOldNet][Direct] -
Demonstrates and explains new features in Netscape 2.x (frames, tables, etc.) and advanced Photoshop techniques. Also contains links, HTML help and more.
- New Interface Proposals [TheOldNet][Direct]
- OverSet Web Design [TheOldNet][Direct]
- Pettit Enterprises [TheOldNet][Direct]
- Poet's Web Creation Page [TheOldNet][Direct] -
Free graphics (backgrounds, balls, bars) as well as links to web creation programs.
- Presentation Imaging [TheOldNet][Direct] -
Integrated Web design
- Professor Pete's Webmastering 301 [TheOldNet][Direct] -
An experts guide to smart web design and marketing techniques, written for professionals, by professionals. Use our unique 'Design-a-Site' to get your web site off the ground
- ResultBuilder [TheOldNet][Direct] -
A free advisory service for commercial Web sites, aimed at improving your Web presence.
- Style Your Sheet [TheOldNet][Direct] -
Weave your wild web the Underground way.
- Sun Guide to Web Style [TheOldNet][Direct] -
Guide to web page design, with examples, from Sun Microsystems.
- This page optimized for ... [TheOldNet][Direct] -
Why optimizing your page for a specific browser is a bad idea.
- TLC Systems [TheOldNet][Direct] -
Art and the Zen of Web Sites, Dear Webby, Stupid Web Tricks, real-time statistics, and more.
- Top Ten Mistakes in Web Design [TheOldNet][Direct] -
From Jakob Nielsen's Alert Box.
- Top Ten ways to tell if you have a sucky Web Page [TheOldNet][Direct] -
Some insightful and funny do's and don'ts of Web design.
- URL Minder [TheOldNet][Direct] -
Embed a form in your Web page, and users can register to receive e-mail whenever the URL-minder robot detects a change in your page.
- User Interface Design for the WWW [TheOldNet][Direct] -
Case story of the redesign of a major web server with screendumps of nine iterations of the home page design.
- WebDesigner's Heaven [TheOldNet][Direct]
- Web Design Quick-Start [TheOldNet][Direct] -
Tips for speeding up your site and showing higher in search engine results.
- Web Design Tips [TheOldNet][Direct]
- Web Design Tips and Tools [TheOldNet][Direct]
- Webmaster Territory [TheOldNet][Direct] -
Images, icons, backgrounds, JavaScripts, HTML tools, and web developer links.
- Web Page 101 [TheOldNet][Direct] -
Learn how to create your own web page.
- Web Page Design for Designers [TheOldNet][Direct] -
Site dedicated to the promotion and furthering of good design on the WWW.
- Web Page Design [unc.edu] [TheOldNet][Direct] -
References and Answers to Questions regarding Web Page Design and Style
- Why Bad Web Sites Happen to Good People [TheOldNet][Direct] -
Speech given by Tom Wang.
- Wizy.Uit.Net [TheOldNet][Direct] -
Free web graphics, animated gif's, much much more.
- WWW imagesize [TheOldNet][Direct] -
Perl script to add width & height tags to HTML files. Makes viewing much faster.
- WWWimagesize [TheOldNet][Direct] -
A perl routine which will read in an HTML file and insert HEIGHT=### WIDTH=### directives into the inlined images used in the file.
- WWW Style Manual [TheOldNet][Direct] -
A guide to creating WWW information resources, emphasizing user interface, graphic design, and site design issues.
- WYSIWYG: What does it mean on the Web? [TheOldNet][Direct] -
Article on what WYSIWYG means in HTML, a language that marks up structure, not presentation. Includes reviews of NS Gold 3.0, Atrax (beta) and AOLPress 1.22 [Win16 versions].
- Zone Infographie [TheOldNet][Direct] -
References and tips for computer artists on how to prepare graphic documents for the WWW. Resource in French. Ressource en francais sur l'infographie et le WWW.