- FAQ - Motif [TheOldNet][Direct]
- FAQ - MW3: Motif on the World Wide Web [TheOldNet][Direct] -
Contains over 400 links to X11 and Motif info including related FAQs, organizations, widgets, companies, products, publications, code examples, tutorials, newsgroups, and more.
- Freedom Mailing List [TheOldNet][Direct] -
A mailing list which covers topics and products related to Motif running on Sun workstations.
- Introduction to Motif Application Development [TheOldNet][Direct]
- Kenton Lee's Motif Widget Hierarchy Reference Page [TheOldNet][Direct] -
Lists each of the Motif widget classes with important reference information, such as their superclasses and public header files.
- KL Group [TheOldNet][Direct] -
X-Window System XRT/graph, XRT/3d and XRT/table are software objects for Graphical User Interface development.
- Motif (freedom.lm.com) [TheOldNet][Direct]
- Motif Information [TheOldNet][Direct]
- WINTERP 2.0 [TheOldNet][Direct] -
WINTERP is the OSF/Motif Widget INTERPRETER An interactive object-oriented user interface language for rapid prototyping, development and delivery of extensible applications with Motif GUIs and Xtango graphics/animation.
- X Windows/MOTIF Course Documentation (cardiff) [TheOldNet][Direct] -
A course offered on X Windows.