- AARAO Policy Summits [IA][Direct] -
National policy summits on international education, affirmative action, and virtual learning. 1997.
- AIDRI '97 [IA][Direct] -
Conference on Learning. Geneva, Switzerland. June 23-26, 1997.
- American Association For Collegiate Independent Study (AACIS) [IA][Direct] -
Fourth annual national conference. "Reflecting the Times - A Time for Reflecting." Minneapolis, Minnesota. November 14-16, 1996.
- American Montessori Society 1997 National Convention [IA][Direct] -
April 24-27, 1997 at the Chicago Hyatt Regency.
- Annual Leadership Conference [IA][Direct] -
American Association for the Advancement of Core Curriculum
- Annual Texas Indian Education Conference [IA][Direct]
- California 2001 [IA][Direct] -
Community college, business, education, and foundation leaders will collaboratively recast the California Community Colleges system as the model for the effective use of communications and computing technology.
- Character Education Conference [IA][Direct] -
July 17-19, 1997 in St. Louis, MO. Keynote Speakers: Michael Josephson, Sandra L. McBrayer, Pieces of 8.
- Cinquième Cité de la Réussite [IA][Direct] -
Provides the opportunity to engage in dialogue with a hundred personalities from all over the world. La Sorbonne, October 19-20, 1996.
- EDINEB III [IA][Direct] -
Innovative practices in business education. December 4-7, 1996.
- Education Victoria 96 [IA][Direct] -
Will showcase the internationalisation of education in Victoria and the Asia Pacific region.
- Fifth Annual Texas Indian Education Conference [IA][Direct] -
Saturday, Oct 14, 1995.
- First Latin American Conference @ MIT: "Technology, Business & Policy" [IA][Direct] -
Business, political and educational leaders of Latin American will gather @ MIT to discuss technology as a source of sustainable development for the region. MIT, April 26 1997.
- Gallium-Arsenide Manufacturing Technology Conference [IA][Direct] -
GaAs MANTECH International Conference Home Page.
- GII Junior Summit '95 [IA][Direct]
- GIREP-ICPE International Conference 1996 [IA][Direct] -
New methods of teaching physics.
- Histories, Herstories, Heterologies [IA][Direct] -
Interdisciplinary grad student conference held at UBC on March 7-9, 1997. Encouraging students from northwest Canada and US to submit papers.
- Index - Guide To Campus, Non-Profit Retreat Meeting Facilites [IA][Direct]
- Integration of Academic and Vocational Education [IA][Direct] -
Creating new, high-quality learning environments that prepare all students for college and workplace success. Beaver Creek, Colorado. June 28 - July 2, 1997.
- International Conference on Problem-Based Learning in Higher Education, PBL 1995 [IA][Direct]
- International Conferences for Education [IA][Direct] -
Regularly up-dated index of international conferences for education.
- Kennedy Space Center, NEWEST '95 [IA][Direct] -
A day-by-day description from educators from across the country that toured the facilities at Kennedy Space Center,
- ME-SELA'97 [IA][Direct] -
Managing Enterprises - Stakeholders, Engineering, Logistics and Achievment; first international conference at Loughborough University, 22-24 July 1997. Call for papers.
- National Black College Showcase [IA][Direct]
- National Conference on Multiage Continuous Progress Practices [IA][Direct] -
Presented by the Society for Developmental Education. July 13-16, Columbus, Ohio.
- National Orientation Directors Association Conference 1995 [IA][Direct] -
A professional organization of higher education staff and faculty involved with providing orientation programs.
- National Student Research Forum [IA][Direct] -
April 17-19, 1997, Galveston, Texas.
- NCSS Online [IA][Direct] -
National Council for the Social Studies. Professional development, teaching resources, news, meetings, and publications.
- North American Taiwan Studies Conference@ (1996)
- NSF Engineering Education Scholars Workshop [IA][Direct] -
Carnegie Mellon University hosts this diversified week-long workshop July 13-18, 1997 to help prepare engineering Ph.D. students and first-year faculty members for careers in academia.
- Principia Public Affairs Conference (PAC) [IA][Direct] -
The nation's oldest student-run public affairs conference. Held annually to empower students and to discuss topics of global importance. April 3-5, 1997. Principia College, Elsah, IL.
- Project-organisation as a Form of Study at Universities [IA][Direct] -
Roskilde University. September 14-17, 1997.
- Schooling and the Networked World [IA][Direct] -
Fourth annual conference in this series. 1997 sees the second virtual conference to accompany the "real" conference in Sydney. Sydney, April 18-19, 1997.
- Seventh Annual New Approaches to Undergradute Engineering Education [IA][Direct] -
This page contains information and links relevent to the New Approaches Workshop being Held this summerat the University of Southern Maine.
- Student Conference On National Affairs (SCONA) [IA][Direct] -
Annual forum held in February for university and college students to discuss issues of national importance.
- Teaching in the Community College On-Line Conference [IA][Direct] -
Forty-eight papers are being presented, including pictures and biographical information; participants can participate in a live talk session with the presenters.
- The Role of Technology in Education Conference [IA][Direct] -
February 27 & 28, 1997.
- University of New Hampshire Conferences [IA][Direct]
- Upper Midwest Conference on Demographics for Policy [IA][Direct] -
Will address demographic changes in the Upper Midwest and the implications for policy makers. April 7-8, 1997. University of Minnesota.
- US-China Conference on Education [IA][Direct] -
To build and develop long term relationships between United States and Chinese educators and students. Beijing, People's Republic of China. July 9-13, 1997.
- WebCruise '97 [IA][Direct] -
Internet conference cruise for teachers. Featuring Robert Robinson, president, Internet Educator's Association. July 12-19, 1997.
- What Works II: Postsecondary Education in the 21st Century [IA][Direct] -
Research, experience, and ideas in three areas: the new classroom and new learning paradigms; preparation for the workforce; the new institution, distance learning, and assessment