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Home > Education > Instructional Technology > On-line Teaching and Learning >
  • 21st Century Teachers [IA][Direct] - Nationwide volunteer initiative encouraging 100,000 teachers to work with their colleagues to develop new skills for using technology in their teaching and learning activities.
  • Alliance for Computers and Writing@  (1997)
  • Computer-Using Educators [IA][Direct] - Non-profit, membership-based organization of teachers dedicated to learning, teaching and technology.
  • Global SchoolNet Foundation [IA][Direct] - Non-profit corporation and contributor to the philosophy, design, culture, and content of educational networking on the Internet and in the classroom.
  • Highway 1 [IA][Direct] - Not-for-profit corporation formed to support the innovative use of new technologies in the legislative environment and in the democratic process
  • Instructional Telecommunications Council [IA][Direct] - National non-profit organization of educators and others involved in higher education, telecommunications and distance learning.
  • National Council for Educational Technology (UK) [IA][Direct] - Raising standards in teaching and learning with information technology.
  • National School Network [IA][Direct] - A broad partnership of organizations working on building state-of-the-art applications for networking in education including curriculum projects and online events.
  • Plugged In [IA][Direct] - Dedicated to bringing the educational opportunities created by new technologies to children and families from low-income communities.
  • TeeNet [IA][Direct] - Committed to helping bring students and their high schools into a new period of educational enlightenment by providing access to the Internet.
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