- Annotated Bibliography of Education Journals [IA][Direct] -
Over 426 education related journals and extensive links to educational organizations and institutions that sponsor them.
- Bilingual Research Journal [IA][Direct] -
Includes full text articles.
- College Quarterly [IA][Direct] -
Academic journal devoted to the improvement of college education and the professional development of college educators. CQ provides an outlet for publication, information, and commentary.
- Comparative Education Review [IA][Direct] -
Investigates education throughout the world and the social, economic, and political forces that shape it.
- Connection: New England's Journal of Higher Education and Economic Development [IA][Direct] -
Published quarterly by the New England Board of Higher Education.
- DeLiberations [IA][Direct] -
Journal on teaching and learning in higher education.
- Effective Teaching [IA][Direct] -
Electronic journal devoted to the exchange of ideas and information relevant to college and university teaching in North Carolina.
- Elementary School Journal [IA][Direct] -
Explores central problems in elementary education theory as well as the complex problems of the classroom.
- ERIC Education Resource Information Clearinghouse [IA][Direct] -
Database of index to journals in education.
- Harvard Educational Review [IA][Direct] -
Quarterly journal that provides an inter-displinary forum for innovative thinking and research in education.
- Harvard Educational Review [IA][Direct] -
Quarterly journal that provides an inter-displinary forum for innovative thinking and research in education.
- Harvard Education Publishing Group [IA][Direct] -
Publishes a quarterly journal and a bimonthly newsletter.
- Journal for Research in Mathematics Education [IA][Direct]
- Journal for Research in Mathematics Education [IA][Direct]
- Journal of College Student Retention [IA][Direct] -
Research regarding the retention of students in higher education.
- Journal of Higher Education Policy and Management [IA][Direct] -
International, peer-reviewed publication.
- Journal of Industrial Teacher Education [IA][Direct] -
Electronic journal published by the Scholarly Communications Project.
- Journal of Negro Education, The [IA][Direct] -
Quarterly review of issues relevant to the education of black people.
- Journal of Psychoeducational Assessment [IA][Direct] -
Provides school psychologists current information regarding psychological and educational assessment, legal mandates, and instrumentation.
- Journal of Statistics Education [IA][Direct] -
A refereed electronic journal on postsecondary teaching of statistics.
- Journal of Vocational and Technical Education [IA][Direct]
- Journal on Excellence in College Teaching [IA][Direct]
- Lifelong Learning: Policies, Practices and Programs [IA][Direct] -
Includes a series of papers and a database of scholars involved in adult education.
- Mathematics, Education, Philosophy and Chreods Server [IA][Direct] -
Focusing on mathematics education and general education issues.
- National Forum Journals [IA][Direct] -
Publisher of peer-reviewed professional journals, which focus on special education, and, educational research, teaching and administration.
- NewJour [IA][Direct] -
Electronic journal and newsletter archive.
- Reading Online [IA][Direct] -
A peer-reviewed journal for literacy educators published by the International Reading Association. Includes articles and reviews.
- Revista Iberoamericana de Educacion [IA][Direct] -
Revista de la OEI.
- Scholarly Electronic Journals [IA][Direct] -
Trends and Attitudes: A Research Proposal
- Student Affairs Journal [IA][Direct] -
Professional journal for the field of Student Affairs.
- Teachers College Record [IA][Direct] -
Journal of research, analysis, and commentary in the field of education. Published continuously since 1900 by Teachers College, Columbia University.
- TESOL Journal at Arizona State University [IA][Direct]
- WORLDSPEAKER online [IA][Direct] -
An international academic journal written by and for international scholars, university administrators, and researchers.