Home > Entertainment > Humor, Jokes, and Fun > | Food and Drink | | | | | | | | - Hairytongue.com [IA][Direct] -
Includes a glossary, galleries, and competitions.
- MeatMation [IA][Direct] -
Animated entirely with meat products. Mr. Beefy discovers his family is made out of food, and decides to have dinner.
- 2000 Alternate Uses for Peanut Butter... and then some [IA][Direct] -
New uses for America's favorite sandwich spread!
- ArcticSquirt 2000 [IA][Direct] -
When the apocalypse hits and flames are feasting on the flesh of modern civilization, you'll desperately want a bottled water you can trust.
- Candy Bar Math [IA][Direct]
- Characterization of Organic Illumination Systems [IA][Direct] -
Pickles as a Source of Light
- Definitive General Tso's Chicken Page [IA][Direct] -
Story of a man, a chicken, and a dream.
- Disgusting Food Page [IA][Direct] -
A compendium of disgusting food and disgusting things to do with food.
- eMeringue.Com [IA][Direct] -
Meringue delivery service.
- Fertnel, Cheeze Snack Corporation [IA][Direct] -
Fertnel, Cheeze Snack and Cheeze By-Product Leader Responds to the Critics
- Fusili Club [IA][Direct] -
Life is a small, curved white noodle.
- Gallery of Regrettable Food [IA][Direct] -
Simple introduction to poorly photographed foodstuffs and horrid recipes from the 40s, 50s, and 60s.
- Gingerbread Men With an Attitude [IA][Direct]
- Index - Uselessness of Food [IA][Direct] -
From the creators of The Useless Pages
- Ingvar's Cook-o-phone [IA][Direct] -
Ingvar of Bergen, Norway will cook food for you free at your home if you invite him to dinner.
- Innocent Inanimate Objects [IA][Direct] -
Fun with groceries and guns.
- International Mushroom Movement [IA][Direct] -
Increases awareness of atrocities committed against mushroom-kind, and works to improve the standard of living for mushrooms all over the world.
- Josh Karpf: In Search of the Perfect Pork Martini [IA][Direct] -
Opening outrageous new markets for pork consumption.
- KFC Appreciation [IA][Direct] -
Pick up hints and tips on how to eat your KFC feast, learn how to manage your meal so you can eat more, and become a servant of the legendary Colonel Sanders himself.
- Name that Candybar [IA][Direct]
- New Alcohol Warnings from the FDA [IA][Direct] -
New warnings the FDA is considering for the packaging of alcoholic beverages.
- New Encyclopedia of Cooking Esoterica [IA][Direct] -
Everything you wanted to know about the arcane art of cookery in crisp, short descriptions.
- Ninja Burger [IA][Direct] -
Fast-food restaurant run by ninja.
- Nude Man Carrot [IA][Direct] -
A flagrantly sensationalist and viciously explicit site of filthy botanical smut.
- Ode to Potatoes Page [IA][Direct] -
Informative yet humourous look into the spud.
- Prozac Pez Page [IA][Direct] -
The world would be a happier place if antidepressants were distributed in PEZ dispensers.
- Ray's List of Weird and Disgusting Foods [IA][Direct] -
Awful concoctions from around the world.
- Sinkie [IA][Direct] -
The association of people who dine over a kitchen sink.
- Television Watchers Menu List [IA][Direct] -
An etiquette guide for the human catfish.
- Upper West Side Manhattan Chinese Restaurant Name Generator [IA][Direct] -
If yer gonna open a restaurant, yah gonna need a name.
- White Bread Will Rule [IA][Direct] -
White Bread Power!