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Home > Entertainment > Humor, Jokes, and Fun > Writing > Words and Wordplay >
  • AmeriSpeak [IA][Direct] - Expressions of our american ancestors: here's a place to record those phrases that have been passed down through the generations in your family!
  • Fun Words Dictionary  [IA][Direct] - Chock full of words that you really need to know, like "damask," "shanannigan," and "plik."
  • Godling's Glossary [IA][Direct] - A counterintuitive contradictionary (cyber version of Ambrose Bierce's "Devil's Dictionary").
  • Jive Page [IA][Direct] - Dictionary of jive expressions: "Me and Rasmus are gunna cut and pick us up some pimp steaks."
  • PopSpeak [IA][Direct] - Can you use "Guess Girl" as an adjective? An A-to-Z Guide to pop-culture as slang.
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