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Home > Entertainment > Trivia >
  • Daily 100  [*] [IA][Direct] - Try to identify lines from movies of the 1980s. Cumulative scores will be kept and winners will be posted at the end of each two-week period.
  • Didja Know [IA][Direct] - Wacky facts that just might be true - try to figure it out.
  • Mondo Trivia [IA][Direct] - Free daily prizes to winners of trivia questions. Submit trivia of your own and see if others can answer it!
  • Risky Business [IA][Direct] - Try your luck at our all-80s interactive trivia game updated every week day.
  • Trivia Hound [IA][Direct] - A new trivia question and a new prize every day.
  • Trivia Machine [IA][Direct] - Online trivia game. New questions every day. Compete against others for prizes.
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